Third Sunday in Lent
Sunday 12, December 2004
Isaiah 35:1-10, James 5:7-10, Matthew 11:2-11
Children's sermon: We should spread the message of Christ like a virus is spread to hundreds of people just by contact.
Sermon (Pastor Eberhart): The message of the passage from James is be patient. Advent is a time of waiting. It takes patience. PAtience is when you see but you don't see. You see with the eyes of faith when you can't see with the eyes in your head. Paul's letter to the phillipians says that we are to be patient with one another. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit. Colossians says God gives us the patience and endurance in every situation. It takes patience to drive. You have to wait for the light to change or miss it. "Impatient people play tennis." Fishing and golf take more patience. Express lanes in supermarkets are notorious for having slow customers in them. But the clerks take time to give the customers a smile. We should be thankful for the convenience of these stores, and the money we have to buy things at them. John the baptist had courage to confront Herod. He had courage, but he lost his head for it. Decapitation won't sever us from God. John is impatient. "Is this the messiah who is to come, or should we look for another?" When we don't see God, it's tough to see his activity. Many people are tired of being told to be patient. But patience is a fruit of the Spirit.