Seventh Sunday of Easter and Confirmation

St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church

Sun 7, May 2005

Acts 1:1-14
1 Peter 4:12-17, 5:6-11
John 17:1-11
Sermon: (Ken Tatkenhorst)
A man once went on a cruise. He packed a suitcase full of cheese and crackers. The cruise went along, and while everyone else at at the dining room, this man subsisted on nothing but cheese and crackers and water. Near the end of the voyage, someone asked him why he always went to his room during meals. "Didn't you know that when you paid for the cruise, the price of meals was included?" He was very embarassed. People do the same thing with God. They don't believe they are forgiven.
Don't give up. Pray. Wait. God has given us abundant life.
(Quotes Psalm 27). 1