Third Sunday After Epiphany

Sun 22, Jan 2006

Jonah 3:1-5
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Mark 1:14-20
Psalm 62:5-12
Children's Sermon: Heidi describes God's word as a skeleton key.
Sermon: (Merv Desens)
(Reads Mark 1:14-20). Jesus came to bring not peace, but a sword, yet he is called the Prince of Peace. John the Baptist was arrested for doing the same thing Jesus did and was beheaded. The people who had power in the ancient world did their best to silence the gospel. People are still being killed for the gospel. The gospel is a disturbing force.
Hans Luther wanted to make his son Martin into a lawyer. He wanted to make their family big and famous. But God had other ideas. The gospel changed Hans' ideals.
One time, a certain man was urged to join a church. He was told to think about it. Later, the man came to the leader of that congregation and said, "My wife would give me no peace, otherwise I'd think about it."
The bible gives us two key words. Repent and believe.
A pastor of a congregation went before them one Sunday, and, walking towards the exit, said, "I'm going to hell, I'm going to hell, I'm going to hell," he then turned around, and, walking the opposite direction, towards the cross, he said, "I'm going to heaven, I'm going to heaven, I'm going to heaven."
Peter denied Jesus. He wept because he was under Christ, and a new man.
Saint Augustine converted to Christianity. As he was going about after this, a woman he had known prior to the conversion recognized him and called to him, "Augustine!" she chased him, but he said, "It is not I!" He was a changed man.
The bible calls us to repent and have faith. That takes trust and reliance. It takes a faith that says that, whatever happens, God works for good in all things. Years later, we may see God's presence. But the kingdom of God is near. In our hearts. We have the king of Jews. God is with us always.
A famous preacher was once sent to a black congregation after it had been suffering greatly. He asked them, "what do you have to sing about, with all the troubles you have?" They replied, "Jesus." 1