Brother Sun, Sister Moon
Brother Sun
I feel like dancing
in homage to you
for sharing your treasure
of warmth with me;
(It feels so special
to be noticed like that)--
I will dance for you all day,
and your gift transforms me...
And now, I am a sun child, warm and brown
like this earth from which I was borne
and to which I shall someday return...
And you, my Sister Moon,
precious lady of silver light
mystical light, magical light
I bathe in your glow
dancing and singing with the night,
and your gift transforms me...
And now, I am ruler of sparkling darkness.
Your silver glow dresses me in royal robes;
a crown of nebulae encircles my head;
The stars are my subjects,
the planets bow and sing.
Let us rejoice in our unity,
Brother Sun, Sister Moon...
Let us always move together
in the dance called Eternity.
(c)1998 maria davis