THEN I AM!!!!!

Forgiven of ALL my sins and washed in the blood Eph 1:7
Delivered from the power of darkness Col 1:13
A Christian Acts 11:20
Made a New Creation 2 Cor 5:17
One Spirit with Himself 1 Cor 6:17
A Child of God John 3:2
An Heir Rom 8:17
A Citizen of His Kingdom here and now Eph 2:19
A Vessel  2 Cor 4:7
A Branch  John 15:5
A Temple of His Holy Spirit in me  1 Cor 6:19
A Saint  1 Cor 1:2
Overtaken with Blessings  Eph 1:3
Chosen  Tim 2:10, Eph 1:4, 
1 Pet 2:9
Partaker of His Divine Nature  2 Pet 1:4
A Priest  Rev 1:6
A Minister  2 Cor 5:18
Beyond Reproach  Col 1:22
Made Complete in Christ  Col 2:10
Healed by the STRIPES OF JESUS 1 Pet 2:24
An Ambassador  2 Cor 5:20
As He is in this World  1 John 4:17
Filled  1 Cor 4:8
Strong  1 John 2:14
More than a Conquerer  Romans 8:37
Above only and not beneath  Deut 28:13
Not I, But He In Me  Gal 2:20
The World’s Light  Matt 5:14
Possessor of the Mind of Christ  1 Cor 2:16
Holy and Blameless  Eph 1:4
Seated in Heavenly Places in Christ  Eph 2:6