Purpose :  John 3:16-18  To first understand the meaning and necessity of salvation and to methodically confirm the scriptural assurance of salvation.
1.  What is salvation?
 a.  Greek word:  Soteria

 b.  Deliverance from spiritual death into spiritual life for the spirit, soul and body.

 c.  Preservation in the presence of God both now and eternally

 d.  The "New Birth".   John 3:1-7.

2.  Salvation is in a person.
 a.  John 14:6

 b.  1 John 5:11-12

 c.  John 1:12

3.  Salvation involves REPENTANCE.
 a.  Repentance doesn't just happen.  It is an act of our will.

 b.  Repentance begins when we meet a Holy God through the drawing of the Holy Spirit.   We then see what we are in the light of who He is  thus we realize our need for a  saviour.

 c.  Repentance is a change of mind which brings forth a change of behavior.

 d.  Pride hinders repentance Proverbs 16:17-18,  Godly Sorrow worketh repentance.
      II Cor 7:10.

 e.  Exodus 14:6

 f.  Joel 2:14

 g.  Matt 3:2 Mark 1:15

 h.  Luke 13:3,5

 i.  Acts 17:30

 j.  II Peter 3:9


4.  Mankind became separated from God - Spiritual death.
 a.  Gen 1:27-28

 b.  Rev 4:11

 c.  Gen 2:17,  3:8

 d.  Satan became the god of the world II Cor 4:4

5.  What did this separation produce?  Rom 1:21-25
 a.  hearts were darkened

b.  became fools

c.  given up to uncleanness

d.  given up to lusts

e.  given up to dishonor

6.  What happened when Jesus died and was resurrected?
 a.  Is  53

 b.  II Cor 5:21

 c.  I Cor 15:45

 d.  John 1:12

 e.  1 Peter 1:18-21

7.  What are signs of our salvation which assure us?
 a.  1 John 5:11-13

 b.  Salvation is by faith.  Eph 2:8-9

 c.  Desire to keep God's word.  1 John 2:5

 d.  Changed life pattern (walk) 1 John 2:6  II Cor 5:17

 e.  Love for God's people  1 John 3:14-16

 f.  Inner witness of Holy Spirit Rom 8:16, 1 John 5:10

8.  Do you know a man called Jesus?
 a.  Who is He?  John 3:16 and 14:6

 b.  He is the Son of God.

 c.  Why did he come?  John 3:17-18  and Matthew 18:11

 d.  He came to save those that are lost!

 e.  How can you know him?  Romans 10:9 and Romans 10:13

PRAYER OF SALVATION:  Heavenly Father, I receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is your Son and that you have raised him from the dead.  Because Jesus lives I now have eternal life and He is now the Lord of My life.  Thank you Jesus, Amen.
9.  It is suggested that you write a brief description of your Salvation experience.  Not only will this cause you to search your own heart; It will serve notice to satan that you know that you belong to God and that Jesus is Lord of your life not him.  May God richly bless you as you serve Him.