The teaching is to direct the new Christian to his or her new Family Life in Christ Jesus. It also tells us where, how and why, we fit in this family.
a. Gen 1:26: We were created in the image of God to have fellowship with God.b. Eph 1:4: We were created to be Holy and Blameless before God.
c. Eph 4:22-24: We were created to be LIKE GOD in TRUE RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS. WE ARE NOT GOD.
d. Eph 5:1-5: We are to be imitators, (Followers, disciples) of God through Christ Jesus.
e. 1Pet 2:4-8: We are being built into a Spiritual House and a Holy Priesthood.
f. 1 John 2:3-6: We are created to fulfill Gods’ purpose and truly know Jesus.
a. 1 Cor 13:8 - 14:1: Has knowledge ceased? Has tongues ceased? NO!!, Why? Because the imperfect is still here.b. 1 Cor 12: The Spiritual Gifts. VERY IMPORTANT TODAY. However we will not need them in Heaven.
c. Eph 3:16-19: The fullness of GOD. - Only by HIS Spirit.
d. Rom 8:5-6: Spiritual lives will have Spiritual Desires.
e. 1 Cor 3:16: Gods’ Spirit lives in you.
f. 1 Cor 2:4-16: Only a Person with the Holy Spirit in them will understand Spiritual things. We will have put on the mind of Christ.
g. John 4:23-24: GOD is Spirit.h. Luke 11:9-13: HOW TO RECEIVE TO THE HOLY SPIRIT IN HIS FULLNESS.
i. Acts 2:1-4, 8:12-18, 10:45-48, 19:1-7. Biblical accounts of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Accounts of how the gift of tongues glorifies GOD and showed HIS presence.
j. 1 Cor 14:1-4. Tongues is a prayer language with which the indwelling Holy Spirit speaks to GOD and not to men.
k. Jude 20, Eph 6:18, 5:19, Col 3:16, 1 Cor 14:13-17, Rom 8:26-27. Spiritual Praying.
a. James 1:22-25: Instructions from GOD on how to use the WORD we have in our hands.b. Hosea 4:6: The need for knowledge of Gods Word.
c. 2 Tim 3:16-17, 4:2-5: Users of the Word. TEACH ONLY THE WORD - NOT WHAT ITCHING EARS WANT TO HEAR.
d. 2 Pet 3:11-18: Distorting the Word.
e. John 16:13-15: The importance of the HOLY SPIRIT when studying the Word.
f. 2 Pet 1:3-10 1: How to become effective in your knowledge of the LORD.
g. Prov 3:13-20: What wisdom and understanding possesses for us.
h. Luke 21:8-19: JESUS said, “I will give you words and wisdom”.
i. Prov 3:5-6, Isaiah 55:8-12: Lean not on your own understanding, trust in the LORD...
j. Col 2:6-12: Base your thoughts on Christ's thoughts.
a. Rom 10:17: Faith comes by hearing the Word of GODb. Heb 11:1-6: Faith is the SUBSTANCE........................not seen.
c. Heb 4:2: The Word will not profit us without faith.
d. Mark 9:23, 11:22-26: Faith takes COMMITMENT! Believing those things that are impossible with men, are possible with GOD.
e. Rom 4:17: Call those things that are not, as though they were and they shall be.
f. James 1:6-8, 2:14-26: Waiver faith and faith without works (deeds) is dead.
a. 1 John 5:1-5: We are overcomers of the world.b. Eph 1:18-23: The POWER we, as believers, posses.
c. Rom 8-28-39: We are MORE THAN CONQUERORS.
d. Gal 4:6-7: We are HEIRS WITH JESUS.
e, Eph 4:22, 5:21: Our life as children of Light.
a. Gen 1:27-28. Blessed from creation.b. Deut 7:12-15, 28:1-14. Blessings for obedience to Gods WORD.
c. Deut 28:15-29. Cursings for disobedience to GOD’s WORD>
e. Matt 19:4-6. Two become one flesh.
f. Eph 5:29-32. We are members of Christs Body through the Spirit. Therefore, the Husband and wife are one in flesh, Spirit, (GOD’s SPIRIT), and mind because as believers they both have the same spirit and the mind of Christ.!!!! (1 Cor 2:12 & 16).
g. Eph 5:22-23. Operating Instructions for the Spirit-Led Family.
h. Gal 5:13-16. Living by the Spirit and His Fruits.
i. Matt 18:21-35. How many times should we FORGIVE our brother, sister, husband, wife or child? 7x7x70 = 3430 times a day. FORGIVENESS IT TO BE A WAY OF LIFE.
j. 1 Cor 13:4-7. The AGAPE, (God Kind), of LOVE that should exist within the family.
k. Prov 13:3, 15:1&4, 17:28, 18:21, 21:23, 25:11, EPH 4:29, James 1:19, 3:2-8. THE POWER OF THE WORDS WHICH FLOW FROM OUR MOUTH.
l. Malachi 3:10-12. How to receive a flood of blessings that you would not have room for, under GOD’S Spirit Led financial principles: Acts 20:35, Luke 6:38, 8:4, Gal 6:7, 2 Cor 9:6-10, Matt 6:33, Prov 11:24- 25, Prov 3:9-10, Mark 12:41-44, Numbers 18:12-18, Gen 14:18-20, 28:20-22, Lev 27:30-31.
m. 1 Cor 7. (ENTIRE CHAPTER) GODS’ Divine Guidance on the matters of marriage and divorce.
a. Eph 6:1-4, Deut 5:16, Exodus 20:12, Col 3:20-21. Obedience brings good things and LONG Life to your children.b. Psalms 127:3. Children - A Heritage and reward from GOD.
c. Prov 22:6, Deut 6:4-9. HOW SHOULD WE TRAIN A CHILD?????
d. Prov 13:24. The CONTROL and LOVE needed to train a Child.
e. Prov 19:18, 20:30, 22:15, 23:13-14, 29:15&17. VITAL INFORMATION ON THE ROD AND ITS’ GOD BREATHED PURPOSE.