未完成のジキルとハイド (Mikansei no JEKYLL to HYDE)

(the "Unfinished" story of Jekyll and Hyde)

PSTA-001 (first press). PSTA-005 (third press). ¥ 2,100 (tax in), 99/11/21
1st press cover / 1st press sleeve / numbered 1st press booklet front and back
3rd press cover / 3rd press CD sleeve / promo leaflet
First mini-album. First press was limited to 3,000 copies. First press came with a special booklet which was numbered on the back. First press tracklist contains 4 songs.   SOLD OUT
Second press (limited to 3000) also sold out, containing a song that wasn't recorded at the time of first press release, and red/white CD case.   SOLD OUT
Third press released 00/08/10, limited to 5000. It doesn't contain the extra song.   Hard to find

  1. Muddy blood
  2. 明鏡止水 (Meikyou Shisui)
  3. 『 . . . 』 (Byou)
  4. レクイエム (Requiem)
  5. 蛻 の 殻 (Monuke no kara) 2ND PRESS ONLY

自 殺 願 望 (Jisatsu ganbou)

(suicidal wish)

PSTA-0004. ¥ 2,100 (tax in), 00/05/28.
cover / CD sleeve / promo leaflet I / promo leaflet II
Second mini-album. Limited to 5000 copies. Pre-order came with a poster. Contains 4 tracks and a secret track (track #69).  SOLD OUT

  1. ウタカタノ... 夢? (UTAKATA NO ... yume? )
  2. Monochrome
  3. 卍 搦め (Manji garame)
  4. 4月1日花畑にて... (shigatsu tsuitachi kabatake ni te... ) *
  5. 自殺願望 (jisatsu ganbou) [secret track] **

* Miyabi said in an interview that the keywords for this song are "uso" (lies) and "hana" (flowers). "uso" = April 1, because April 1 is April Fool's Day ^^;
** If you open up the CD case itself, you will find the lyrics sheet for "jisatsu ganbou"!!


