Allah (God)'s Chilluns Got Wings

Liland Brajant Ros'

Tune: I Got a Robe (MIDI)

Following the terror incidents of September 11, 2001, I signed up with "Watchful Eyes", a service whereby the Church Council of Greater Seattle organized (mainly Christian) volunteers to watch a local mosque (and a Sikh temple), day and night, to show solidarity with our Muslim and Sikh neighbors in their freedom of worship, and to provide a deterrent against acts of vengeful vandalism. (The program began after a man poured gasoline on several cars in the mosque parking lot and then pulled a gun [which, Allah (God) be praised, misfired] on mosque members who confronted him. He was arrested.) Over the next three months I spent a total of at least 25 hours, spread over eight shifts, at North Seattle's Idriss Mosque. The longest and loneliest shift was one morning when I was there alone from roughly midnight till six a.m.
Mosques are for Allah (God) so, invoke not anyone along with Allah (God)
It was in my efforts to stay awake that morning that I came up with this ditty, as well as As-salaamŭ' alajkum (in Arabic and Esperanto). Above the front door of the mosque is a copper plate embossed with the words "Mosques are for Allah (God) so, invoke not anyone along with Allah (God)."

I got wings; you got wings;
Allah (God)'s chilluns got wings!
When we get to hebben gonna
   strap on our wings'n gonna

flap through Allah (God)'s hebben.

   Hebben, hebben.

Everybody talkin' 'bout hebben ain't* goin' dere,
   Hebben, hebben.

Gonna zoom through Allah (God)'s hebben.

I got wingtips; you got wingtips;
Allah (God)'s chilluns got wingtips!
When we get to hebben gonna
   put on our wingtips, gonna

waltz through Allah (God)'s hebben.
   Hebben, hebben.

Everybody talkin' 'bout hebben ain't* goin' dere,
   Hebben, hebben.

Gonna prance through Allah (God)'s hebben.
* it's just a song; my personal belief is that, ultimately, heaven is for all. If you are uncomfortable with the exclusivity of the song as written, try substituting "be" for "ain't".
List of Songs
La Lilandejo