Jonah, from the Yiddish Forward Jonah Was a Prophet (Minor)

Follows Jonah 1:3


Leland Bryant Ross

Jonah was a prophet (minor), patriotic, proud, absurd,
Till creation's grand Designer sent to him His holy word:
“Go to Nineveh, preach destruction there:
They have roused My righteous ire!

Thou'lt know how to tell them of hottest hell,
Teach them of brimstone and evoke fear of fire!”

Jonah, frankly, did not relish preaching to Assyria's hordes;
Truth to tell, a prospect hellish seemed this summons of the Lord’s.
“Jonah, boy,” said he, “This job's not for me.
Let's take off and see the earth,

Sail the seven seas, smell the salty breeze,
Hitchhike to Joppa and engage me a berth.”

Part (following Jonah 1:3) of my "comic worship oratorio"
Jonah was a prophet (minor),

© 1997 Liland Brajant Ros'

The tune is Austria, by F. J. Haydn, a tune used traditionally for "Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken" and "Deutschland, Deutschland über Alles" among many other texts.

The MIDI is borrowed from the online Esperanto hymnal, TTT-Himnaro Cigneta

Posted with MIDI accompaniment on 2001.08.25.

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Leland Bryant Ross