

several links on this page are still

under construction
This is the WEBB Site, a webpage devoted to WEBB, the tune popularly identified with the gospel hymn "Stand up for Jesus" by George Duffield, Jr. (It is also known as MORNING LIGHT, from the hymn "The Morning Light is Breaking" by Samuel F. Smith, who is best known for "My Country, 'Tis of Thee".) The background music here (MIDI) is a somewhat jazzed up version of the tune; for a less exciting version, for sing-along purposes, for example, click here or here. The primary purpose of the WEBB Site is to collect and make available various texts that are sung to this tune — sacred or secular, English, Esperanto, or barbarian — as well as any other information I can come up with on the tune and its eponymous composer, George James Webb (photo below right, from The Cyber Hymnal). George James Webb, 1803-1887
I have a certain reputation (famous? infamous? chacun à son goût...) in certain Seattle sober-alcoholic circles for standing on chairs in meetings — sometimes in a dress, yet — and belting out my "Fremont Hymn" to WEBB. Caveat lector — contains impolite words.
Links to The Cyber Hymnal bios of:
George James Webb
George Duffield, Jr.
Samuel F. Smith
Links to The Cyber Hymnal texts of:
Stand up, stand up for Jesus
The morning light is breaking
Thy might sets fast the mountains
Links to other English-language texts sung to WEBB:
Our God is like an Eagle
Stand up, stand up for Fremont
Links to Esperanto-language texts sung to WEBB (from TTT-Himnaro Cigneta):
Stariĝu por Jesuo (two Esperanto versions of "Stand up for Jesus")
Dum Izrael’ en Sinaj (Esperanto version of "Our God is like an Eagle")

The WEBB Site
is part of
La Lilandejo
the website of

Leland Bryant Ross