Alright, spiffy theory! Something neat and plausible and-oh-so tantalising I have read about that may factor into your overall persona is called "genetic ancestral memory", that is that memories of what a person has experienced is passed down to their off-spring. This is quite plausible as scientists still are not quite sure where dreams come from, why amnesia happens, and how exactly DNA stores genetic 'memory' and what exactly is in that 'memory'. The theory is that everything you do, experience, etc. becomes encoded into your DNA, so anything you experience prior to the conception (father) and birth (mother) of your child will be encoded in the child's DNA. Anyhow, if this is true then past experiences (or lives) are encoded in your memories and will also influence what behaviours and attitudes are yours from birth. Makes you a little wary about what exactly you are passing on to your children. It is an interesting hypothesis. Linked somewhat to the idea of the 'curse' on man; that is, the concept of 'orginal sin': all men are born with sin; we share in the fall of Adam. If indeed we pass on our entire lives to our children, then the original sin would also be encoded into our DNA. Gives a different perspective to being 'born into sin'. Perhaps it isn't that we are evil, perhaps it is that we have past evil encoded in us. hmmm. Hey, if we can pass down diseases (i.e. miasmas, more on that later) then why wouldn't we pass down our experiences? Ideas?