
We have gone to war. A war that none of us will really know any truth about for many years. We don't know what the reality of the situation is, the media has
twisted this in so many different directions that to say anything about this war besides that I would prefer peace would be presumptious. I do know that
people I know and love as brothers in this world are being sent to fight and perhaps die; people my sister, my friends, my relatives know and love have
already been killed, and even the peace activist demonstrations have turned into wars of their own. So all I can do is document what is happening here and
what we are allowed to see of what is happening there. The time for screaming insults and preventative angry demonstrations is over; the time for healing has
begun, and will continue long after this battle is done. I only hope that some good comes out of this, to justify the lives lost and the psyches bruised and

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