
I am a fairly new member of the SCA, the Society of Creative Anachronism.
The members reenact the Middle Ages with feasts, tournaments, classes, and
wars. We are divided into 17 Kingdoms, which in turn are divided into
Principalities, Baronies and Cantons. I am in the Canton of Hawk's Haven,
Barony of Darkwood, Principality of the Mists, Kingdom of the West. It is
truly a fun way to spend time, and is a close-knit community, despite its
size. Here is a series of Links for your perusal:

The main SCA page is
For the Kingdom of the West, the site is
Darkwood Barony's website is
and a group I respect within the Principality is the College of Sainte Katherine, a wonderful student-run group..
The College of Saint David's is another student group, based out of UCSC.
and for help documenting a name, the Academy of Saint Gabriel is a huge help.

The Canton of Hawk's Haven does not (yet) have a website, but you can look on
the Barony website for activities at the Canton level. At any level you can
find your way to groups in your own area, although I suggest starting at
the top and working down. These are great resources for just studying the
period and there are many ideas for projects you may want to indulge in.
Although it is much more fun with a group, like the SCA. Enjoy!
Yours "in Service to the Dream",
~Ilyana Mael D'Avila~

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