---Old English Sheepdogs are wonderful animals.
They are good with children, are lovable, and make a
good apartment dog, despite their size. They also
have an instinct to herd and are very excitable. When
we went out to get my dog, Endy, we were looking for
a dog that wouldn't need that much room to run around
because we live on a small street. Even though Endy
is 80 pounds full grown and we aren't home during the
day, she gets plenty of excercise and is very
---We also wanted a dog that wouldn't bite if we were
attacked, because these days people seem to sue for
everything. Old English Sheepdogs, because their
instinct is to herd tend to get in between people and
try to push them away if they feel that the person is
threatened. Of course that can also work against you,
Endy doesn't like it when people hug!