Suppressed Dead Sea Scrolls Research

Michael Cecil

In fulfillment of the Prophecy of Daniel 12:9 that "these words will remain secret and sealed until the time of the End", this web page is dedicated to publicizing the Truth about the Revelation and Doctrine of the "resurrection of the dead" which has been hidden in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices for almost 2000 years--including the 50 years of research that has been done on these documents since they were first discovered.


The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices describe the "resurrection of the dead"--in 'code words', and metaphorical and cryptic language--as being similar, but not identical, to the Buddhist Doctrine of Rebirth; thus establishing a Revelational, Doctrinal, and Prophetic continuity between the Revelations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

It was for this reason that these documents had to be hidden from the Jewish and Christian religious establishments; and it is for this reason that the Jewish, Christian, and even Muslim religious establishments cannot permit, to this day, either the publication of the Truth about the Dead Sea Scrolls or the Nag Hammadi Codices, or even an open discussion of the Truth about the Revelation and Doctrine of the "resurrection of the dead"--the ultimate consequence of which censorship and suppression of Revealed Truth will be a military conflict over Jerusalem.

Censorship, Armageddon & the Resurrection of the Dead Sea Scrolls

The Westar Institute/"Jesus Seminar"

the Revelation and Doctrine of the
"resurrection of the dead"

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