Political economy, as the science on economy based on equivalent exchange ("market economy"), has arisen as a
product of scientific and industrial revolution of the 17th-18th centuries. It has transferred main features of Newton's
picture of the world into the model of economy: mechanism and atomism, the idea of natural law, openness and infinity of
the world, the idea of an equilibrium. Nature destructive type of economy and mode of life has grown on the basis of that
model. Both nature and future generations (absent in the market) are eliminated from the economic model in principle.
Today, when it has found out that the world is final and close and the equilibrium in the market is supported at the
expense of limited resource and ecological "capacities", defectiveness of the main model of political economy has become
obvious, and this model is preserved only by political and military means. Science faces the problem of interaction of
economy and ecology.
The problem of involvement of natural forces (resources) in liberal and Marxian political economy is analysed into the
work. Despite the contradictions in the problem on the relations between labour and capital, both branches of
industrialism political economy, outgoing from the same scientific picture of the world, have come to be unable to include
the factor of nature. Their increasing gap with a scientific picture of the world has come to light already in negation of the
second principal of thermodynamics. This has being confirmed by the refusal of Sergey Podolinsky's suggestion (1880) to
introduce power measurement in political economy model. Note: The work is supported by RHF grant.