~~~ CYCLES ~~~ |
You should become aware of CYCLES in your life. These are also called RETURNS.
Sun Returns occur yearly. Mercury Returns occur yearly Venus Returns occur erratically, longer than a year Lunar Returns occur every 28 days These are personal returns and in a category of their own. |
To be more specific..... Returns are when a planet (or luminary) returns to the exact degree it is in your Birth chart. The Sun does not return to the same degree of your birth as your calendar birthday does each year. It does within a day of your birthday, changing every year. |
I like to describe Returns as the SPICE in your recipe. The flavoring you will add.... They can be minor details but important ones to be aware of. If used properly they can make a PRIZE winning recipe. |
Mars Returns occur every 2 1/2 years . They are motivating and energizing. Since they are fairly frequent it is usable. Become aware of it's 4 main aspects, conjunctions square (seperating) opposition square (applying) (the ENERGY in the squares is different)
JUPITER Returns occur in approx 12 yrs. SATURN Returns occur in approx 28 yrs. these 2 are the most significant Returns.
URANUS Returns occur in approx 84 yrs. NEPTUNE Returns never occur in your lifetime PLUTO Returns never occur in your lifetime
Books have been written on this subject. My purpose here is to give you a CHART in the next link. Use this CHART to plot your Returns.
Think about the past Returns. Become aware of them. Do not fear them - Learn from them. Awareness is the KEY. |
The SPIRAL's show that nothing ever returns to the exact spot in space. Space is constantly expanding/growing and so are we. |
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