Pink Floyd 1979 
Lyrics/Music: Waters 
Vocals by: Waters

So Ya 
thought ya 
might like to go to the show 
to feel the warm thrill of confusion 
that space cadet glow 
I've got some bad news for you sunshine 
Pink isn't well he stayed back at the hotel 
And they sent us along as a surrogate band 
and we're going to find out where you fans really
Are there any queers in the theatre tonight? 
Get 'em up against the wall 
There's one in the spotlight 
He don't look right to me 
Get him up against the wall 
That one looks Jewish 
and that one's a coon 
Who let all this riff raff into the room 
There's one smoking a joint 
and another with spots 
If I had my way 
I'd have all of you shot 

(In the flesh) 

Sería divertido ir al espectáculo 
Sentir el cálido temblor de la confusión 
ese resplandor espacial 
Tengo malas noticias para vosotros 
Pink no está bien, ha vuelto al hotel 
Y nos ha enviado a nosotros para sustituirlo 
y vamos a averiguar si los fans sois 
auténticos entusiastas 
¿Hay maricones aquí esta noche? 
Ponedlos contra el muro 
Hay uno en el proyector 
no me cae bien 
Ponedlo contra el muro 
Aquel parece judío 
y aquel es negro 
¿Quién ha dejado entrar a toda esta gentuza? 
Hay uno fumando un porro y 
otro con granos 
Si de mí dependiera 
seríais todos fusilados