
the muslim dress of modesty

[What is hijab?]  [My hijab experiences] [Hijab Articles]    [Where can I buy Islamic clothes?]


What is hijab?

Generally, hijab is used to refer to the Islamic dress for women, most particularly, to a head covering worn by muslim women.  

Islam places great emphasis on modesty and a part of that is dressing modestly, both for men and women.  However, modesty is not only limited to dress, but includes behavior as well.

I am just starting to develop this sub-section, so bear with me while it is being formed.  To start with the focus will be on women´s dress, for the simple reason that I am a woman and it is a subject that I therefore have tried to read up on and have some experience with.  However, in the future I hope to develop this section into much more than just the typical women´s dress topic.

My Hijab Experiences

Currenty I do not wear hijab in my daily life, however my goal is to wear it full time in the near future, because I personally feel it is the right thing to do.  I first started experimenting with hijab soon after I became muslim, about three weeks after to be precise, after I got my hands on my first scarf suitible for use.  Before my only experience was with wrapping a long sleeve cotton short around my head and neck, to acquire the appropriate level of modest dress for prayers.  But no way I was going to be seen with that in public!  After I got my first scarf, I started experimenting with it, I put it on when I went to the sisters halaqa at the mosque, then experimented with wearing it after the halaqa in public, going to the malls or something like that.  I was fascinated by the experience and it felt so good and right! But I was a closet muslim and was not yet ready to publicly and openly declare my muslim idendity to the people around me.  However, I truly felt in my heart that wearing hijab was the right thing to do for me and had a very strong desire to do so.  Therefore I grabbed the opportunity to try to wear hijab full time while I went on a short trip to Egypt, less than two montsh after I converted.  I took that decision without knowing whether I would continue wearing it upon my return to the US, since I did now know how I would feel wearing it full time or if I would have the strenght and courage to wear  it full time in the US.

To be continued later......

Articles about hijab

Coming soon I hope:-)

Islamic Clothing Shops

Al Hediya  Great online shop based in Kuwait

Reems Eastern Fashions and Gifts  Great collection of Pakistani style clothings

Al Muhajabat

Al Hannah Islamic Clothing

Al Mujalbaba

Al Jameelah NEW

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