2. Northern Aranians.
Hollingsworth White is the leader- Admiral of the Aranian fleet, that is the fleet which
is run out of the state of Vakellan, but encourages members from all states.
He is in many ways the link between Arana and the rest of the Universe..all that connects the 2
areas goes through him. Luckily the world has found a wise leader, not afraid to have Earth's support, whilst keeping their
influence in check..
His spacefleet is tiny, largely obsolete. One advantage Arana holds is the group of highly skilled young people,
with whom he has a close bond, his 'children'.
Pauli Calvin
The least typical of Holly's children, an ugly, pudgy young man from the Caucan nation...
a genius of science and able to turn ideas into design..Pauli will be essential to the design work of the next generation
of starships, and right now everyone hopes to the survival of Arana.
A seer, she can draw
the future from the influences she can discern in the world.
Her gift is from the sea, and it's flaw is that she cannot see anything too close
to her.. but with her ability to read the information of the universe, she can help Arana
survive like no other.
A difficult person to work out, he seems cuttingly intelligent and yet with a touch of fickleness,
unable to love deeply, perhaps. His practical decisiveness, his intelligence and sharp responses seem to mark him out.
Gordon Tras
A figure seen at a distance, Tras is the leader of the Caucan nation, the first to unite it, and now he brings war to the royalists, as the Caucans choose to make the South
their battleplace, in order to seize better land for the over-cold winters and over-hot summers of the Star year: in the South the seasons are kinder, but every 40 years the
double star system makes the north a hell to live in.
Tras' campaigns help to unite his people and keep him in power.
But they ignore the compromise the other nations have made with nature to survive, with technology to help them thrive..
A Caucan, ex-bomber pilot who comes into contact with Akelan and the peace movement,
and eventually comes down to the Royalist nation. he is astonished that they can survive Tras' assassins.
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© SOVEREIGN 1979 by R.M. Meluch quotations by permission +pages: Teal Ray...;...