The Reform Party of Missouri, an affiliate of the Reform Party of the United States of America, is a grass roots party dedicated to preserving our national sovereignty. We aim to restore integrity, accountability and fiscal responsibility to government and its leaders. Our principal issues are:
Fiscal Responsibility
Promote fiscal integrity at all levels of government, balanced budgets, honest accounting and protect trust funds such as Social Security.
Cleaner Politics
Reduce the influence of “big money” in our political system through campaign finance reform. Restore voting to its rightful place as the key determinant of public policy.
Pro-American Economic Policies
Protect Missouri and American jobs and business. Oppose U.S. subsidization of the export of jobs and businesses through the World Trade Organization and international trade agreements such as NAFTA, GATT, and MAI. We support FAIR TRADE rather than free trade.
United States Sovereignty
We oppose a one world government and oppose any treaty or agreement giving any foreign government power over these United States.
By becoming a Missouri Reform Party member, I affirm that I will support the principal issues of the state and national Reform Party platforms and I disclaim any membership in all other political parties. As a member, I understand that I am eligible to be elected or appointed to serve in any official position in the Reform Party in accordance with the by-laws. I hereby declare that I am a United States citizen, a legal resident of and a legally registered voter in the state of Missouri.Signature: ________________________________
Print Name: _______________________________
Date: ____ / ____ / ____
Address: ____________________________________
City / State: ___________________________________
Zip: __________
Phone Number: ( _____ ) _____ - _______
FAX: ( _____ ) _____ - _______
E-Mail: ____________________________________
County: _____________________________________
Congressional District Number: ____________________________________
*Occupation: _____________________________________
*Name of Employer: ________________________________________
Please enroll me as a member of the Reform Party of Missouri, and send me the next six issues of the newsletter. Credit my donation to:_____ RPMO Federal Account
_____ RPMO State Account
_____ Either AccountI have enclosed a check for:
$12 $25 $50 $100 $250 $500 $1,000 Other: __________
(There is NO membership fee, but the party mails newsletters to persons who donate $12 or more.)* Contributions made in reply to this solicitation may be used in connection with state and/or federal elections. Missouri law requires a political committee to obtain the name, address, occupation and employer of every contributor to the Reform Party of Missouri's non-federal account (and to report that information for those whose contributions exceed $100 in a calendar year). Federal law requires political committees to report the same information for each individual whose contributions to the federal account aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Corporate contributions are not permitted to the federal account. Donations to the Reform Party of Missouri are not deductible as charitable contributions. Paid for by Reform Party of Missouri, Tim Barnhart, Treasurer.
Please mail checks to:
Reform Party of Missouri
6420 Murdoch Ave
St. Louis, MO 63109-2604