Hi I'm Raquel Barrios. I'm a 24 year old student and single mother of 5 girls (Lena 9,Maria 7,Sofia 3 year, Lia-Margarita 2 years, and Ana 9 months). I'm interested in the social changes that have come about in the past 40 years and hope that you will help me by answering these questions honestly. Right now I'm interested in the changes in the sexual attitudes of our society--For example, my grandmother thought it was a sin to have sex outside of marriage, my mother felt she had to get married because she was pregnant with me, and I am now married with five children by five different fathers.


Lia's conception story read for details.)
Last change: 21 Oct 2003

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the response so far has been great!! Please encourage people to take this survey because the more responses I recieve the more accurate the statistics will be.
Some (older) results are in!!!

Come see the first set of conclusions drawn from the survey!

Many people have asked for my answers so here they are.

THIS SURVEY IS FOR FEMALES ONLY!! While I would be intersted in seeing a similar survey for males, this one is appropriate only for the ladies.

Have you taken this survey before? Yes No

How old are you?

How old is your biological mother?

How old is your biological father (leave blank if unknown)?

The following questions refer to your biological mother.

How old was your mother at her FIRST wedding?

At her FIRST wedding was your mother:
a virgin pregnant sexually active unknown

If she was pregnant how far along was she?

If she was not a virgin was her husband her first lover?

How many children does your mother have?

By how many fathers?

How many of these children (if any) were CONCIEVED out of wedlock?

What are the sexes of her children?just put mfmm for example in order of birth

What was your mother's marital status at CONCEPTION of her FIRST child?
married living with partner single unknown

What was your mother's marital status at BIRTH of her FIRST child?
married living with partner single unknown

how old was your mother at the birth of her FIRST child?

Has your mom ever had an abortion?yesnodon't know

If yes how many

How old was she(the first time if multiple)?

Does your mom smoke?
Yes no

Did your mom smoke during any of her pregnancies?
Yes, during all of themYes, during some of them No Don't know

These questions are about you

What is your current marital status?
married living with partner single divorced seperated widowed

If you are, or have been married, how many times have you been married?

If you are single, are you a virgin?

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

If you were in school, what grade were you in?

How old was he?

Were you his first?yesno

If you lost your virginity as a teenager, did your parents find out that you were sexually active?yesno

How old were you when they found out?

do they know how old you were when you lost your virginity?

How did they react when they found out you were sexually active?
pissed off and forced me to break up with him
pissed off and TRIED to make me stop (I did it anyways).
angry at first but then OK (but didn't let me continue)
angry at first but then allowed me to continue
dissapointed, but not really upset
They were cool with it and even helped me get protection
They were happy for me

Once your parent's knew you were sexually active did they:
try to keep you from having sex again
more or less allow you to continue
more or less allow you to continue AND help w/ protection
recognize that you were an adult and could do what you wanted
permit you to have sex (i.e in their house or on camping trips/vacations)
try to "ground me for life"
Did you ever have sex in your parent's house?

If yes, did you ever do it while they were home?

Do they know you had sex in their house?
Were they ever aware that you were having sex in their house (that is did they know "hey, my daughter is in her room fucking?"?
Did you marry the man you lost your virginity to?yesno

Were you your husband's first?yesno

Did you have sex with your husband prior to your marriage?yesno

If you are married, did you live wth your husband before the wedding?yesno

Did you live wth any other partners before the wedding?yesno

If you are married, were you
a virgin bride a pregnant bride sexually active

If you were pregnant how far along were you?

How old were you when you got married?

If you were sexually active before your wedding, how long were you and your fiance together before you had sex?

If you were sexually active before your wedding did you abstain prior to the wedding?
1-3 days
2-6 days
between one week and one month
more than a month

How many sexual partners have you had?
I lost my virginity to my current partner (or I had only one partner) I had one partner prior to my current one (that is, I have had sex with 2 partners) I have had multiple prior partners

If multiple, how many?
Do your parent's know you have had more than one partner?

Does your spouse know you have had more than one partner?

If you are or were married, have you ever had sex with another partner while married (this includes threesomes, while seperated or waiting for a divorce, cheating, etc.)?
Yes, I cheated on my husband
Yes, we seperated for a while.
Yes, I was waiting for my divorce to be final
Yes, my husband and I tried a threesome (or more)

how old were you?

Have you ever had sex on a first date Yes No

Have you ever had a one night stand? Yes No

Do you have children? Yes No

if yes, how many ?

By how many fathers?

How many of these children (if any) were CONCIEVED out of wedlock?

What are the sexes of your children?just put mfmm for example in order of birth

If you have children, what was your marital status at time of CONCEPTION of your FIRST child?
married living with partner single

what was your marital status at time of BIRTH of your FIRST child?
married living with partner single

How old were you at the birth of your first child?

How old was the father at the birth of your first child?

Have you ever had an abortion?yesno

If yes how many

If yes, how old were you (the first time if multiple)?

Do your parents know?yesno

Does your husband/so know?yesno

how many pregnancies have you had TOTAL (include miscarriages, abortions, still births, adoptions etc...)

By how many men?

How many of these pregnancies were out of wedlock?

Are you a smoker now?
Yes no

How old were you when you started smoking?

Did you smoke during your pregnancy?
Did not quit
quit during the third trimester
quit during the second trimester
quit during the first trimester

If you are a smoker now but quit while you were pregnant when did you start again and how much (on average) do you smoke?

For the following questions I realize that there are many factors that influence these and I don't pretend to list all the possibilities I am just looking for a generalization (i.e. more or less this would be the closest to my opinion).

Which of the following best summarizes your mother's view of sex
only when you are married
only after you are engaged
only when you are dating seriously
it's a part of dating

Which of the following best summarizes your father's view of sex
only when you are married
only after you are engaged
only when you are dating seriously
it's a part of dating

Which of the following best summarizes your view of sex
only when you are married
only after you are engaged
only when you are dating seriously
it's a part of dating

Which of the following best summarizes the view of sex you would PREFER your children to have
only when you are married
only after you are engaged
only when you are dating seriously
it's a part of dating

What is your mom's view of abortion?
only under certain circumstances
any time

What is your dad's view of abortion?
only under certain circumstances
any time

What is your view of abortion?
only under certain circumstances
any time

Please elaborate on any of the above questions (Especially if you put "other"

Are there questions you feel I should add or delete from this survey? Is there information you would like me to try to gather?
If I need to, may I contact you by email for more info? (if yes just enter your e-mail address)

*****Please help me out by telling me how you heard about this survey. This helps me to get more exposue for the survey.*****

I spend a ton of time promoting this site and would like to know what efforts are paying off and which are a waste of time.

How (or where) did you hear about this site(from a particular website, via e-mail, etc.)?

the following question were added at the request of a friend to judge another "moral" issue:

Which of the following best summarizes your MOM'S use of the word "fuck"
only when extremely stressed/angry

Which of the following best summarizes your MOM's use of the word "shit"
only when extremely stressed/angry

Which of the following best summarizes YOUR use of the word "fuck"
only when extremely stressed/angry

Which of the following best summarizes YOUR use of the word "shit"
only when extremely stressed/angry

Have your parents ever heard you say "fuck"?
yes no

Do your parents allow you to say "fuck"
yes no

Have your parents ever heard you say "shit"?
yes no

Do your parents allow you to say "shit"
yes no

Have your children ever heard YOU say "fuck"?
yes no

Have your children ever heard you say "shit"?
yes no

Have you ever heard your child say "fuck"?
yes, repeating what he/she heard
yes, when hurt or angry
yes, when stressed
yes, while playing with friends
yes, in certain "appropriate" situations (My boyfriend and I were fucking)
yes, my child is permitted to use this word

Have you ever heard your child say "shit"?
yes, repeating what he/she heard
yes, when hurt or angry
yes, when stressed
yes, while playing with friends
yes, in certain "appropriate" situations (for example: a dirty diaper smells like shit)
yes, my child is permitted to use this word

Which of the following best summarizes what your rules are/will be for your kids saying "fuck"?
only when extremely stressed/angry
quoting someone or with friends
at will

Which of the following best summarizes what your rules are/will be for your kids saying "shit"?
only when extremely stressed/angry
quoting someone or with friends
at will
Thank you for your time and honesty.

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