~ A thousand ways to tell you I Love You; words, gestures, presents.... and all of them together will still not say how much I do LOVE You. ~

RDC 12/07/99 - For Maria, The girl I Love.

*** War Commander - War is Tough!!! ***


*** From the Men and Women of CDV software, makers of SuddenStrike & Cossacks European Wars

Welcome to my Webpage

Hello, my name is Robert Charleson. I'd like to thank-you for visiting my home on the web. I guess you are wanting to know somethings about me, afterall, you have come to visit.

Well, I'm 32 as of Sept. 6th, which makes me a Virgo which I fit to a T. I have numerous interests, chief among them being:

... and many other things. I live in Regina Saskatchewan, in Canada. I was born in Winnipeg Manitoba, a lovely city I still consider my true home. Soon I hope to be moving down to Alabama to be with Maria :) As for family, I have a mom and a dad who are still happily married; it's almost sickening sometimes, and 3 yes 3 younger brothers. Mark (28) James (22) and Michael (19), no pets, though sometimes I wonder.( Hehehehe ;)

You can check out my other page at: ~Kelemvour~

Some other pages you might find interesting:

Siren's page dedicated to the Greek and Roman Gods. A very cool site.
Sanguinus Curae A really cool Vampire Page by the BloodSisters.
Welsh Castles! a Very cool site about catles in Wales! Great Site Jeffrey!!
Got milk? Yoda does...
Talkers The Talkers I visit.
The Most Beautiful Flower A poem to rejoice in.
To Charge the Day... A poem for Maria.
The Lord of the Rings The Poem.
My Poems Go here to see my other favorite Poems.
The Dream... A Dark dream of a Vampire.
Sluggy Freelance! Worship the Comic!
RealLife - 42% more entertaining then a bowl of cereal.
StickDeath!! - Die Stick Men, DIE!!! Muhahahahahahaha!!!!
1000 Sparklers Wow! Gotta see this!
Can you find them? 9 People hidden in the picture, are you up to it?
Can you find them all? 11 Faces are hiding in this picture. How do you score?.
Risk - Neutral Army Varient new rules for this great game, developed by me and my friends.

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

Aug 99

Me and Maria - Aug. 99

Stop the Violence Against Women

***Cossacks European Wars: Comming soon from the makers of Sudden Strike!! ***

Cossacks - European Wars

*** Realistic Units and Buildings, 3D Terrain and up to 8,000 units at a time. It's time for War!! ***

Thank-you for visiting, please come again

Robert Charleson

~ You are a light I dare to touch.... You burn me but I do not care... If i am Damned then I shall rejoice as I am damned by my Love for you. ~

RDC 1999

This page and it's contents unless otherwise noted Copyright © Robert D. Charleson, 98-01.

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Sudden Strike - The Blockbuster
     of the upcoming Millennium!

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