Risk - Neutral Army Varient

Risk - The Game of World Conquest

Neutral Army Rules

The Start:
1: The Neutral Army is dealt cards the same as if it was a player. {We suggest Yellow or White for the Neutral Army colour.}
2: The Neutral Army starts with a minimum of 3 armies on each territory.
A: If there are more then three Human players {i.e.: 4-5 players and 1 Neutral Army} The Neutral Army starts with a comparable number of troops in each country it holds.{4 players = 4 armies to start in each country}

1: The Neutral Army takes a turn each round of play. Two dice, an *Army* die and a *Location* die are rolled for the Neutral Army.{We suggest two different coloured dice so you can be consistent}
A: Army die - Determines the number of troops that will be "recruited" this turn.
B: Location die - Determines which continent receives the new troops.
C: You might wish to set a limit as to how many armies nuetral can have in a territory. {i.e.: 8-10 max}

Die Value Continent Die Value Continent
1 North America 4 Asia
2 South America 5 Europe
3 Africa 6 Australia

The troops are spread evenly between all neutral counties in the receiving continent.
Example - If Six armies are to be added to Asia, where there are Three Neutral countries, then each country will receive Two armies. Consequently, if there is only One neutral held country in a continent, then it receives *All* recruited armies.
2: The Neutral Army also receives all Continent bonuses just like a live player. {This bonus is divided up amongst all the countries in the continent held by the Neutral Armies.}
A: Neutral receives the country bonus {i.e.: Number of countries divided by three} if it controls more then *Sixteen* countries. A roll of the location die determines which continent receives the troops.
3: The Neutral Army receives a starting bonus {Number of armies equal to what it had in each country at the start of the game} whenever a set of cards is traded in. A location die roll determines placement.
**Note** - See Rebellion if the continent to receive new troops does not have a Neutral Country for the above rules.

1: Neutral Armies always defend with *Two* dice, even if there is only *One* army left to hold the country.

1: If the location dice chooses a continent that does not have at least *One* Neutral country, the Neutral Army is said to be *Open Rebellion* in a country on that continent.
2: The Rebellion automatically starts in the Least defended country, regardless of Ownership.
3: If all countries are defended equally, a roll of the dice determines where the Rebellion starts.
4: If the Neutral Army is successful in conquering the country it attacks through rebellion, popular support automatically raises *One* army unit to guard the country while the remaining force of attackers continues to spread revolt through the continent.
A: As in defending, the Neutral Army always attacks with full dice. {Even Two Neutral Armies attack with 3 dice } *See B*
B: A single Neutral Army can continue/initiate an attack. It uses *Two* dice.
5: Once the Rebellion has been stopped, the Neutral forces Automatically reinforce the First country to rebel. This country’s defenders equal Neutral’s starting numbers.
{i.e.: If Neutral started with 4 armies in each country at the beginning of the game, then this new *Stronghold* will have 4 armies. It cannot have any less then 3}
A: If Neutral regains a country it originally started with, it reinforces it with the same bonus as above.

Winning the Game:
1: Neutral wins the game if at any one time, it gains control of 18-24 countries.
2: Neutral cannot be given a Mission.

Player Rules

The Start:
1: Players start the game using the normal rules.
2: Players start with armies equal to number of *Real Players*
{ Players start with however many armies the Standard rules say for the number of players. The Neutral Army is not considered. i.e.: 4 Human players and 1 Neutral Army start the game with the number of armies for 4 players.}

1: Players are unable to trade cards to gain an advantage.
2: Upon conquering a country whose card a player owns, that player is allowed to place 5 armies in that country. *See Movement/Guarding* for more detail.
3: If a player Draws a card for a country he controls at the end of his turn, he may place an additional Five armies in it.

1: Players can only move armies through countries they control at the end of their turn to act as reinforcements.
2:: Continental bonuses can only be placed in countries in the continent where they were raised.
3: Country bonuses received for controlling a number of countries are free to be placed in any country occupied by the player.
4: If a player wishes, any armies gained through conquering a country for which a card is owned, or for which a card is drawn, *May* be placed in any countries bordering the Bonus Country.
{i.e.: A 5 army bonus for Black may be spread out between the Middle East and Egypt, if both are in Black’s possession, and any other bordering countries. It cannot be placed on any country or continent not bordering the Bonus Country}
**Note** - Armies cannot be moved from one country to another *Unless* they are conected by friendly contries or invasion routes. {The - - - - lines on the board.}

Winning the Game:
1: Players must complete their mission objective or conquer the world by destroying Neutral.
A: If the mission calls for the destruction of Neutral’s colour {See Start of Neutral Army rules}, then the player *Must* hold the board *Free* of Neutral’s colour for *Two* whole turns, during which Neutral will have two chances at Rebellion. *See Rebellion under Neutral Army Rules*

This page Copyright © by Robert D. Charleson 98-99.

Rules Copyright © Robert D. Charleson and the Pit Crew.

Graphics Copyright © Hasbro and Parker Brothers

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