Good Books For Primary Teachers

  1. Barton, Bob and Booth, David.Stories in the ClassroomToronto:Pembroke Publishers, 1989 Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heineman (U.S.)1989.
  2. Baskwill, Jane and Paulette Whitman.Whole Language Sourcebook. Toronto: Scholastic-TAB Publications, 1985.
  3. Booth, David, Schwartz, Larry and Meguido ZolaClassroom Voices: Language Based Learning in the Elementary School Harcourt, Brace and Company, Canada, 1994.
  4. Cambourne, Brian, The Whole Story, Natural Learning and the Acquisition of Literacy in the Classroom, Ashton Scholastic, 1988.
  5. Chow, Dobson et all, Whole Language, Practical Ideas Pippin, 1991.
  6. Chud, Gyda and Ruth Fahlman, Early Childhood Education for a Multicultural Society, Pacific Educational Press, UBC, Canada, 1985.
  7. Clay, Marie, What Did I Write? Heineman, New Hampshire, 1975.
  8. Collis, Mark and Joan Dalton, Becoming Responsible Learners, Heineman, 1991.
  9. Curran, Lorna, Cooperative Learning Lessons for Little Ones, Resources for Teachers, California, 1991.
  10. Depree, Helen and Sandra Iversen, Early Literacy in the ClassroomScholastic Canada, 1994
  11. Eisele, Beverly, Managing the Whole Language Classroom, Creative Teaching Press, Cypress, California, 1991.
  12. Forster, Anne and Margaret Reinhard, The Learners' WayPeguis Publishers, 1989.
  13. Gibbs, Jeanne, Tribes, Irwin Publishing, 1994.
  14. Graeme, Jocelyn and Ruth Fahlman,Hand in Hand, Multicultural Experiences for Young Children, Addison Wesley, Canada, 1990.
  15. Harrell, Denise Dodds, How to Manage Your Whole Language Classroom, Teacher Created Materials, California, 1992.
  16. Harste, Jerome, Short, Kathy, and Carolyn Burke, Creating Classrooms for Authors, Heineman, 1988.
  17. Hart-Hewins, Linda and Jan Wells, Borrow-a-Book: Your Classroom Library Goes Home, Richmond Hill Ontario: Scholastic-TAB Publications, 1988.
  18. Hart-Hewins, Linda and Jan Wells, Real Books for Reading, Pembrooke, 1990.
  19. Holdaway, Don, The Foundations of Literacy, Ashton Scholastic, Sydney, 1979.
  20. Jeroski, Sharon, Brownlie, Faye and Linda Kaser, Reading and Responding (Primary): Evaluation Resources for Your Classroom, Nelson, Canada, 1991.
  21. Johnson, Terry and Daphne Louis, Bringing it All Together, Scholastic-TAB, 1990.
  22. Johnson, Terry and Daphne Louis, Literacy Through Literature, Toronto: Scholastic, 1987.
  23. Lukasevich, Ann and Florence Pieronek, Favorites, Friendships, Food and Fantasy, Addison-Wesley, USA, 1994.
  24. McCracken, Robert and Marlene McCracken, Stories, Songs and Poetry to Teach Reading and Writing, Winnipeg: Peguis Publishers, 1987.
  25. Meyers, Mary, Teaching to Diversity, Irwin Publishing, 1993.
  26. Prime Areas, Vol. 31, Whole Language, Journal of the British Columbia Teachers' Association, Vol. 31, No. 1, Fall, 1988.
  27. Rosen, Betty, And None of it Was Nonsense, Scholastic-TAB, Ontario, 1988.
  28. Routman, Regie, Invitations, Irwin Publishing, Ontario, 1991.
  29. Routman, Regie, Transitions from Literature to Literacy, Heineman, Australia, 1988.
  30. Schwartz, Susan and Mindy Pollishuke, Creating the Child-centered Classroom, Irwin Publishing, Toronto, 1990.
  31. Stone, Jeanne M., Cooperative Learning and Language Arts: A Multi-Structural Approach, Resources for Teachers, California, 1990.
  32. Tiedt, Pamela L. and Iris M., Multicultural Teaching, Allyn and Bacon, Mass., 1995.
  33. Trelease, Jim, The New Read-Aloud Handbook, Penguin Books, USA, 1989.
  34. Walker, Barbara J., Supporting Struggling Readers, Pippin, 1992.
  35. Wells, Gordon, The Meaning Makers, Portsmouth New Hampshire: Heinemann, 1986.

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