PPT Slide
Teacher Professional Development for Language Arts and Technology
1.Brooke School - Primary, Intermediate and Teacher sections - http://deltastudies.delta.bc.ca/Schools/Brooke%20Elem./Brooke.html
2. Irene’s Primary Pointers - web site for addresses mentioned in this slideshow presentation which are not on Brooke’s site - http://geocities.datacellar.net/Athens/Sparta/3768
3. West Loogootee Elementary School - many links and ideas for using technology with students
1. Grade One -majordomo@cln.etc.bc.ca
Leave the topic line blank. In the body of the message, enter - subscribe grade_one <your email address>
2. First Grade, Second Grade, etc. - at Teachnet.com web site
3. 4-Blocks (Gr. 1-7), Building Blocks (K) - at Teachnet.com web site