Hypnagogic Imagery
Already as a child I would enjoy the times images appeared inside my mind as I was lying in bed dozing. I didnt know what they were, but I remember enjoying every one of them. As I grew older I started to realize that there was something more beneeth those visions, especially when I became aware that the exact same events would happen in my every day life. I remember playing all kinds of mind games with myself, I would manipulate my dreams to continue over and over after I woke in the mornings, I would picture all kinds of sharp, clear images even though my eyes were closed. When the spontaneous images appeared, I would work on bringing them back, but that was a tough task. I remember telling my parents, but they didn't know what it was and nobody ever told me anything about the realities of visions.

Premonitions about death and serious accidents didn't start until I was around 12 years old. In the beginning it was a little scary and I was walking on needles until I found out who it would concern. It always happened 2-7 days after I had the premonitions. Sometimes there would be several images rushing through my mind, sometimes just one or two - but they were always very informative and it was not hard to understand what the contents were all about. but somehow, in a very natural way I learned to live with these images and accepting them as something important, something to learn from. I didnt feel precious in any way for having them, it was all just natural to me.

My premonitions involve my closest family, relatives and friends. I do not have any premonitions about other happenings like earthquakes and flight - crashes. I do however have "secondary images" (clairvoyance) as I call them, and images who appear in a daydreaming - form and an instant feeling of knowi
ng. This is called clairsentiense.
Is it possible to force these premonitions to appear?
In my experience, it is not possible to  produce Hypnagogic images to appear. It is however possible to  produce clairvoyant images, yet they are not equal and do not contain the exact same information and appearence as Hypnagogic imagery.
In my experience, hypnagogic images give to a large ectent the exact same images about how the actual events happen in real life. Colors, clothes and angles are the same, still there can  be stand-ins, if the premonitions are about people. I believe that It is also possible to have imagery about past lives. I have experienced images of people I have never seen in real life - someone who's characteristics are similar to people living in ancient times.
How Does Hypnagogic Imagery Work?

I am not sure if anyone really knows the answer to this question. According to several spiritual beliefs, we dream - or in other ways encounter events in other dimentions before they actually happen here in our reality. We know that time is man - made and that time in the sence that we know it, does not excist in other dimentions. It is the same case with what we call past lives - although I believe that we live all our lives simultaneously. It is also possible that deja-vu and premonitions are somehow related to eachother. In a deja-vu, you feel as if you have experienced the event before - in hypnagogic imagery you are "going to" experience it.
People who have premonitios are "warned" before something is about to happen. This is more often about disasters, deaths, accidents and other serious events.

What Can You Do After Having A Premonition?

It is important to understand that when you have had the premonition, it has already happened. You can not change the fact that is is going to happen in your own reality, but according to my experience you can make the outcome less severe in certain cases. If you "see" that someone is in trouble, you can do your best to help and comfort. Remember you have already been warned, so you know about it before they do. If you "see" someone involved in an accident - you can warn them - but in most cases, they will forget and it's going to happen as seen, in one way or another.  You can not do anything about death premonitions. "When time has come, they have to go", but still you can be there to support the relatives. Having seen this on beforehand spares you from the initial shock.

You learn to live with your premonitions, and it gives you a broader perspective on life. It is important to remember to TRUST your premonitions - and that is a wonderful gift.