August 28, 1999
a bit late!
Well, a mixed day. One of my double lessons was cancelled...and I was upset, if you
understand what I mean. But there was an emergency at his what can you
do?? Hitomi talked to him on the phone and invited him to the party.
The rest of the day was classes went okay.
After school, I finished quickly, changed my clothes....I wore my white blouse with
brown triangles and my long wrinkled skirt.{The reason that I'm pointing this out
is that my co-workers have informed me that I need to dress up more outside of work.}I
even refreshed my make up.
I went over to the izakaya...the new one in Tsuruoka...and joined the party. There
were already a few people there, just sitting there. So I made people introduce
themselves and soon we were having a good old fashioned gabfest! Sort of. But of
course the big news that you all want to know is....Was he there? Let me put it this way...
...he was. I was happy to see him of course.
Later Taeko and Hitomi arrived and of course Taeko wanted to sing which made it hard
to talk but it was still a lot of fun.
Most people had to leave after the party, including him, but five of us went to karaoke
until 3 am. That was okay, although I admit I was close to nodding off at the end.
And that was that. Maybe more later?
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