November 4, 1999 - Thursday

Today wasn't so great. I had a bad start. On my way to work I had to pay my gas bill and so I went to the gas office. On the way there I saw a dog get hit by a car. I didn't see the actual moment, but I came across it a couple of seconds later. I felt terrible. I wanted to help the poor thing. It was standing in the road not really sure what it was doing. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't take it to the vet, I had no clue what to do. On my way back I didn't see the dog, nor any sign of it. I hope that means it got home.

Teaching itself was okay. I only had three classes today, plus my area coordinator hour. Actually I say that my classes went well.

I got home early tonight YAY! and watched Captain Ron. I can't remember who told me it was a good movie, but they were wrong. Kurt Russell was good, but the movie was almost sit-com level drivel. Sigh. Oh well. So, not the greatest day I've ever had.

I did go to the grocery store where I found the Canadian cookies and got more. That was nice. I'm going to take them to our party...I won't eat them all, at least not in one day!

That's it for me for today. A manyana (?)

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