October 4, 1999 - Monday

And the answer is.....I stayed in Tsuruoka and went to The Haunting. I went to bed far too late this morning to get up and catch a train. Still it was okay.

I think I'm taking this solitude thing too far though. I've barely talked to anyone for two days. It gets a bit monotonous after a while. It's pretty bad when the most meaningful conversation that I've had in two days was about popcorn.

Today I didn't do anything. I had done my laundry yesterday, so today I just vegged. It was nice but a bit self indulgent.

I did go to a shrine in Tsuruoka Park though. That was a nice way to help myself out of the blue funk I've been in lately.

All in all, just a boring day off. Tomorrow I have to figure out what to teach in my kids lesson. Sigh. Until then, adios.

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