September 1, 1999

I was woken up at 8:00am this morning by a terrible thunderstorm. Then I was awoken again by the telephone a bit after 9:00am. Van phoned me from her new house. She's having a few problems at the moment which makes me: glad that I'm not buying a house, and helps me remember that old Latin phrase, caveat emptor .

The ride to work this morning was thoroughly unpleasant. The rain was pouring down and there was a bit of lightning. Yuck.

Work was okay, I'm feeling a bit stressed out these days though. I'm being given new classes left, right and center and its a bit overwhelming. And of course, the majority of my students are really, really low. It's kind of driving me crazy. Yeah, I know its a challenge, but frankly, I've been challenged enough.
On the good side today, I got a letter from Donna, one of my friends in Canada. She's one of the only people I know that doesn't have e-mail so that we don't get to correspond as much as I'd like. She seems to be doing well.

Anyway, I've gotta be going, my bed beckons me.... nighty-night!

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