The Crown & The Cross
 - A Web Presentation on the Thirty Years' War -

Madonna with the Cut Pear, Albrecht Durer, 1519
The Hapsburg Lands

1606 No significant events occur. June.  Peace of Vienna ends Hungarian Revolt. 
Nov.  Peace of Zsitva Torok ends "Long Turkish War."
1607 17 Dec.  "Donauwoerth Incident" No significant events occur.
1608 Jan. Imperial Diet at Regensburg. 
11 May.  Protestant Union Formed.
Feb. Treaty of Bratislava 
June.  Matthias becomes reigning archduke and king of Hungary.
1609 Mar.  First Cleves-Juelich crisis 
10 July.  Catholic League formed.
Mar.  Matthias's concessions to Protestants
1610 Oct. Death of Frederick IV of the Palatinate; Frederick V succeeds. No significant events occur.
1611 July. John George I Elector of Saxony (to 1656). Mar.  Passau troops attack Prague 
May.  Matthias crowned king of Bohemia.
1612 20 Jan.  Death of Rudolf II; Matthias elected Emporer (to 1619) No significant events occur.
1613 Feb.  Marriage of Frederick V and Elizabeth Stuart 
Apr.  Elector of Brandenburg becomes a Clavanist. 
May.  Dutch-Union Treaty. 
July.  Wolfgang William of Neuburg becomes a Catholic. 
Aug.  Imperial Diet at Regensburg (to Oct.)
No significant events occur.
1614 May.  Second Cleves-Juelich crisis (to Sept.) 
Aug. Aachen recatholicized; Fettmilch revolt at Frankfurt. 
Nov.  Treaty of Xanten
Aug.  General Diet at Linz
1615 Luteran rioting in Brandenburg Dec.  Uzkok war (to Feb. 1618)
1616 No significant events occur. No significant events occur.
1617 Lutheran Jubiilee year; "Military Academy" opened at Siegen. 
Apr.  Evangelical Union renewed (to 1621); Catholic League disolved.
20 Mar. Onate Treaty 
July - Dec.  Ferdinand of Styria recognized as king-designate of Bohemia and Hungary.
1618 Brandenburg annexes Prussia Feb.  Peace of Weiner-Neustadt (Archduke and Venice) 
June.  Savoy subsides to Bohemia (to Apr. 1619) 
Sept.  Mansfield captures Pilsen.
1619 Jan.  Catholic League re-formed 
20 Mar.  Death of Matthias 
28 Aug.  Ferdinand elected Holy Roman Emeror. 
8 Oct.  Treaty of Munich (Spain - Bavaria - Emporer).
20 Mar.  Death of Matthias; Ferdinand of Styria succeds. 
May.  First seige of Vienna. 
10 June.  Hapsbug victory at Zablati.  Morovia joins confederation 
Nov. Second Seige of Vienna.
1620 20 Mar.  Muelhausen Guarantee 
3 July Treaty of Ulm 
Aug.  Spinola invades Palatinate.
July.  Bavarians occupy Upper Austria (to 1628) 
Oct. Confiscations Court created (to 1623) 
3 Nov. Hapsburg victory at the Battle of White Mountain.
1621 21 Jan.  Frederick outlawed. 
Feb.  Segeberg conference. 
Apr.  Cease-fire in Palatinate (to July) 
27 Apr.  Frederick allies with the Dutch Republic. 
14 May.  Union dissolved. 
Oct.  Bavarian occupy Upper Palatinate; Kipper-und Wipperzeit (to 1623).
Jan.  Mint Consortium formed:"Kipper -und Wipper" period (to 1623). 
1622 Mar.  Spanish Chancery published. 
Apr.  Protestant victory at Wiesloch. 
6 May.  Hapsburg victory Wimpfen (George of Baden defeated) 
June. Brussels conference (to Nov.) 
20 June.  Hapsburg victory at Hoechst 
(Christian of Brunswick defeated) 
13 July.  Frederick dismisses Mansfeld and Brunswick 
26 Aug.  Protestant victory at Fleurus.
Jan.  First peace of Nikolsburg.
1623 25 Feb.  Palatine Electorate transfered to Maxamillian of Bavaria. 
Mar. Surrender of Frankenthal 
6 Aug.  Hapsburg victory at Stadtlohn.
No significant events occur.
1624 Jan.  Mansfeld disbands army. No significant events occur.
1625 Apr.  Christian IV elected Kreisoberst of Lower Saxony. 
July.  Wallenstein raises new Imperial army; Spanish river blockade in Westphalia (to 1629). 
9 Dec.  Haugue Alliance.
Oct.  Reformationskommission in Upper Austria. 
1626 Apr.  Hapsburg victory at Dessau Bridge 
26 Aug.  Hapsburg victory at Lutter.  Imperialists advance northwards.
May.  Upper Austrian revolt (to Sept.)
1627 Feb.  Mecklenburg given to Wallenstein as pledge; Imperialists conquer Mecklenburg, Pomerania, Holstein. 
Mar.  Hesse partition favorsDarmstadt; Maurice of Hesse-Kassel abdicates. 
May.  Treaty of Koenigsberg (emperor - Brandenburg) 
Oct.  Muelhausen Electoral meeting (to Nov.) 
10 Nov.  Capitulation of Fransburg (Pomerania)
Sept.  New constitution for Bohemia and Moravia.
1628 Jan.  Wallenstein becomes duke of Mecklenburg; Imperialists overrun Jutland. 
May.  Bavaria annexes Upper Palatinate. 
May.  Unsuccessful Seige of Stralsund (to July). 
Sept.  Hapsburg victory at Wolgast (Wallenstein defeats the Danes).
May.  Upper Austria returned to Hapsburg rule.
1629 28 June.  Edict of Restitution issued. 
7 July.  Peace of Luebeck; Imperialists send aid to Poland.
No significant events occur.
1630 Apr.  Annaburg meeting (Saxony and Brandenburg). 
6 July.  Gustavus invades Germany. 
July.  Regensburg Electoral Meeting 
(to Nov.) 
Aug.  Magdeburg defies Emproer(to May 1631). 
13 Aug.  Wallenstein dismissed. 
Sept.  Zabeltitz conference (Saxony and Brandenburg). 
13 Oct.  Peace of Regensburg.
No significant events occur.
1631 Feb.  Leipzig Assembly (to Apr.) 
12 Apr.  Leipzig Manifesto. 
20 May.  Sack of Magdeburg 
22 June.  Brandenburg-Swedish Alliance 
4 Aug.  Frankfurt convention (to Oct.) 
Sept.  Saxony, Bremen, and Hesse-Kassel ally with Sweden. 
17 Sept.  Protestant victory at Breitenfeld. 
Nov.  Swedes take Mainz (to 1636). 
Dec. Wallenstein recalled.
15 Nov.  Saxons take Prague (to 1632)
1632 Apr.  Protestant victory at Rain; Swedes occupy Bavaria. 
13 Apr.  Goellersdorf agreement: Wallenstein restored to cheif command.
No significant events occur.
1633 23 Apr. Heilbronn League (to 1635). 
July.  Protestant victory at Hessich-Oldendorf; Swedish army mutinies.
June-July.  Truce in Silesia. 
Aug.-Oct. Truce in Silesia 
Oct. Hapsburg victory at Steinau; Wallenstein reconquers Silesia.
1634 25 Feb.  Death of Wallenstein. 
22 Apr. Brandenburg demands Swedish evacuation of Pomerania. 
6 Sept.  Hapsburg victory at Noerdlingen 
1 Nov.  French alliance with Heilbronn League. 
24 Nov.  Preliminaries of Pirna.
July.  Saxons invade Bohemia (to Sept.)
1635 Mar. Spain occupies Trier; Elector arrested (to 1645). 
30 May.  Peace of Pargue (Emporer and Saxony) 
Aug.  Swedish army mutinies. 
6 Sept.  Brandenburg accepts Peace of Prague.
Peasant revolt in Styria
1636 Jan.  Sweden surrenders Mainz. 
Mar.  Emporer declares war of France. 
4 Sept.  Regensburg Electoral meeting (to Jan 1637) 
Oct.  Congress of Cologne convened. 
4 Oct.  Protestant victory at Wittstock. 
22 Dec.  Ferdinand III elected King of the Romans.
No significant events occur.
1637 Jan.  Swedish army withdraws to Torgau. 
15 Feb. Death of Ferdinand II; Ferdinand III succeeds. 
Mar.  Death of Bogislav XIV of Pomerania. 
June.  Swedish army withdraws to Pomerania (until Oct. 1638)
15 Feb. Death of Ferdinand II; Ferdinand III succeeds.
1638 Mar.  Protestant Victory at Rheinfelden. 
Dec.  Bernard of Saxe-Weimar takes Breisach.
No significant events occur.
1639 Apr.  Protestant victory at Chemnitz 
July.  Death of Bernard of Saxe-Weimar; France inherits all his conquests.
May.  Swedes invade Bohemia (to 1640) 
Dutch Navy destroys fleet.
1640 Jan.  Bavarian-French talks at Einsiedeln 
Feb. Nuremburg Electoral Meeting 
Sept.  Regensburg Diet (to Oct. 1641) 
Dec.  Death of George William; Frederick William succeeds.
No significant events occur.
1641 May.  Death of Baner; Swedish army mutinies. 
24 July.  Brandenburg-Swedish Peace. 
Nov.  Torstensson arrives in Swedish Army.
No significant events occur.
1642 Jan.  Peace of Goslar (emporer and Brunswick). 
Swedes occupy Saxony and invade Moravia. 
2 Nov.  Protestant victory at the Second Battle of Breitenfeld.
No significant events occur.
1643 Feb.  Frankfurt 'Deputationstag" (to 1645) 
May.  Sweden invades Denmark (to 1645). 
Aug.  Negotiations at Westphalia begin (to 1648) 
Nov.  Hapsburg victory at Tuttlingen.
No significant events occur.
1644 Aug.  Protestant victory at Freiburg;  French occupy Alsace. No significant events occur.
1645 6 Mar.  Protestant victory at Jankov. 
May.  Hapsburg victory at Mergentheim. 
3 Aug.  Protestant victory at Allerheim; fist full meeting of Westphalian peace conference. 
6 Sept.  Truce of Koetzschenbroda (Saxony and Sweden). 
Nov.  Trauttmannsdorf arrives at Westphalia (to June 1647).
Swedish seige of Vienna.
1646 Apr. Peace of Eilenburg (Sweden and Saxony) 
Sept.  Franco-Imperial preliminary peace.
No significant events occur.
1647 14 Mar.  Bavarian - French truce (to Sept.) No significant events occur.
1648 17 May.  Protestant victory at Zusmarshausen. 
6 Aug.  Sweden - Imperial preliminary peace. 
24 Oct.  Peace of Westphalia.
Oct. Swedish seige of Prague 
24 Oct.  Peace of Westphalia.
1649 Jan.  Bavaria evacuated. 
Apr.  Imperial cities admit religous parity.
No significant events occur.
1650 26 June.  Nuremberg Agreement of Demobilization No significant events occur.

Sources Used for Chronology:

    Benecke, Gerhard.
                Germany in the Thirty Years War.  St. Martin's Press: New York.  1979.
    McKay, John P., et all.
                A History of World Societies.  Houghton Mifflin Company: Princeton.  1996.
    Parker, Geoffrey.
                 The Thirty Years' War.  Routledge: New York. 1997.
    The Thirty Years' War.

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