Welcome to our Class 2!


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Dolphins & Whales are Cousins

I guess they share the same green vastness

The seagull can watch them swimming by

hanging silent in the sky

Turtles know little of these events

They fail to see the evidence

The seahorse knows even less

The squid is oblivious

The algae doesn't care

It feeds them all everywhere



Dolphin / Whale Q & A

Q: What is the baleen plate used for? (Yui, Misako)

A: It is used for catching small tiny foods like plankton.

Q: Why can dolphins learn performance ? (Eri, Manami)

A: Because dolphin's brain is big.

Q: What do dolphins eat?(Emi, Mami)

A: Bottlenose dolphins eat several kinds of fish (including mullet, mackerel, herring, cod) and squid.

Q:What color are dolphin's eyes? ( Haruna , Kana )

A: May be black or gray.

Q; Why are dolphins very friendly? (Midori 1 & 2)

A: We couldn't find the answer on the internet but we know there is a long history of friendship between dolphins and people.

Q: Can dolphins sleep?

A;Yes.Dolphins have to be conscious to breathe.They have "solved"that by letting one half of then brain sleep at a time. They sleep about 8 hours a day.


Information taken from: International Dolphin Watch: Frequently Asked Questions.


Our Favorite Websites


Misako's hostfather Marc's favorite page


Emi & Mami


We liked the web site and we liked the pictures on this web site but it was a little bit complicated.

It told us about the C.D. album "Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" and it tells about her music, history,

and shows the titles of the songs on the album and is supposed to show video clips and the songs.

Sayaka & Kayoko


We liked the web site and the pictures. But we did not understand. We learned about the cast.

Romeo: Leonaldo Dicaprio

If you want to learn about whales...


If you want to learn about dolphins...


If you want to learn about the aquarium we went to on August 4th, 1999...


If you want to learn about animals...


If you want to do some research on the internet...





