Religion is Beer

Religion and beer both remove the dread
And there is no remorse as I sit
In this town's Park
Greatly worse, for drink:

Doubts, debts, problems, pain - all gone
And we, he, she, they, homeless and drunk as me,
Chatter incoherently in our stupor.

Years ago religion sheltered me, a tramp,
But doubt came bringing to an end
Those threads of life.
So now I sit, quite happy, while beer and Benefit last
And it does not matter I have no aim, nowhere
To go:
For I am at peace, at last.

No longer the care the bore me,
No longer the pride
Since that cloudy Winter settled itself upon
My life:
No more the bright Sun
Of youth.

Yet - sometimes - a dream of warm Summer
May wake me

 DW Myatt