These Are The Moments of Regret
These are the moments of regret
When the warm Sun of a late August warms
And I walk, quiet and quite alone,
In these acres of rural England,
When such a walk was a world shared
As we holding hands breathed together
As we lived.
Such sadness
Which is why we dare not linger
To pass the years
As I passed those years, alone, remembering
After her death, her loss, her leaving
And through our words, then, captured an ecstasy
Of grief:
For there was a subtle beauty, there.
A honey bee, crawling
By the edge of this pool:
As it dies
Slowly, silent, alone, unseen.
Are there any feelings, there?
For me, perhaps too much, too many
For too long
Until two years of work kept me
As I toiled, walking, working, in fields
Where beauty and a kind of silence
Each living being a friend.
But Change came as Change does,
Unkempt, unannounced:
No more then the fields, the toil
To keep me still.
What should I do?
So now I travel as if in travelling to live a type of life
Just as I - we - engage ourselves in action
As for certain in such action
We live another life:
Too much living to remember
Each past, each sad past
DW Myatt