Snow, hill-whitening, while a cool sun journeys
Beyond the cloud
That touches the Mynd in a slow dance
Of beauty.
There is a moment, of youthful hope:
A Thrush to descend down to pick
The storm-red berries from a grey-green tree
Of holly
Stout, strong, from more than ten-score sun-warmed
It is the twilight time, of life:But there is a learning here
There is no music, no painting, no books in preparation
For this
As if the labours of those who artfully laboured
Went unremarked, misunderstood
Thousand year upon thousand year:
Few seeds sown, as berries sow new life.Yet I heard them call out, once, often, in a dreamful youth
When hilltop viewing at night beneath
A night of stars
Knowing no difference because I had yet to learn
As adults learn
To constrict the flow of Thought:
One individual, striving, among so many
With so many needs
To feed the flow of life.
All things, if in their treasured smallness, bring a remembering
Of the empathy which is our own evolution
Of life.
DW Myatt