Summer Days Travelling Roads

Day hides the stars that might shine tonight
As my life when the loneliness comes
Among the hills:
I have touched the joy that goes
Seeping down into darkness
Rooting my soul that thus a storm
Cannot wash it away.
Here - a smile to capture worlds
With hidden words
When I believe a night has no terrors
Like my own
And I sleep at peace
Beneath the dome of stars.

I - passing the world
That way each day passes to a week -
Shook dust from my clothes
And walked barefoot toward a village green.

It was no use -
I had only to forget to remember
The silence where I in gladness sang
Stopping those spirits who had waited by their trees
For one like me to visit them,

So I sit on the damp grass
For a world of love.
Then, smiling, I shake away the dew
To walk barefoot across a village green.

DW Myatt