There Is Warm Sun
So there is warm Sun and breeze enough
Where day moves toward the end of June
And the grass grows quickly
In Earth's tears
That heavily came to wash the soil
From fields to cross the yard
Leaving such a humid sediment of Summer
That male and female Sparrows, Swallows, others,
Met again as they meet
With a fluttering of wings, movements, calls
To bring forth new beginnings
Where village edge meets base of hill
And the damp uncut meadow hay ripples with the warmth:
So I rest - tired, awake, exhausted, from days of work,
Worry, Dreams, and Thought
Resting while the hot Sun flows
And the fastly flowing nebulae of clouds, wind-spaked,
Grow tendrils to shape themselves with faces
One planet gasping as it gasps
Since the slaying by Homo Hubris never ever seems
To stop.
Too late the empathy to set us flowing
Back to love?
So much promise for so long undesired
I am left sad, warm, sleepy
While the Summer Sun brings peace enough
To sleep-me
As the circling Buzzard
DW Myatt