Dear Friend,

As much as this hurts to do, I have to ask for help.

Let me explain ! Im the poorest excuse for a human being ever.Im unemployed, uneducated, and uninsurable.In addition you wont look at me for very long Im unattractive actully down right ugly.I try every day to get a job but at 48 with no skills and no personality all the doors shut.For 35 years I tried to drink myself away, and almost succeded,but even at like the rest of my wortless self I failed.

Now the Doctors say I have to start cheomtherapy for the liver but I have no insurance.Im not a bad person I dont drink anymore or do bad things. I have thought of things like chain letters and such but I know its wrong and I wont do bad things, but I need help could you please send some money!! Anything !! It would help I dont know what else to do but ask.I cant promise anything in return I dont have anything nor does it look like I will .

At least its honest im not promising anything or lying !! Please reach into your hear!t ! You will really be helping just one person.

Here is my name and adress.If you like, include your E-mail adress and I do promise to tell you how much money is sent

Thank You For Listnening

Chuck Mangold P.O box 300671