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"A New Beginning"

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History of Grey, Saskatchewan

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The town of Gray was named after a town in the state of Iowa called Gray.

Grade 3 - B.E.


I think the original settlers came from Germany, Scotland, Austria, Poland, and the Ukraine.  These settlers would have come by boat to Canada.  The settlers would have travelled by train and settled in the land known as Gray, Saskatchewan.

Grade 3 - Ryley

3 Amazing Facts About Gray

1.  1900 - 1914 is when Gray had its' first settlers.

2.  Our house is the oldest house in Gray.  It was moved here in 1914.  It is known as the "Pioneer House", as the elevator agents once lived here.

3.  Mr. Dunning's place before it was a home was a lumber yard.

Grade 3 -- Shayla

Settlers of Gray

The settlers of Gray came from Iowa in the U.S.A.  They named it Gray after their home town.  Gray used to have an elevator.

Grade 4 -- Sarah

3 Amazing Facts About Gray

1.  In 1946 Gray had a big flood.

2.  Gray used to have stores, gas stations, and even a train station.

3.  In schools there was one teacher and sometimes 40 or more students.

Grade 5 -- Jake


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canflag.gif (7733 bytes) This page was created and is maintained by Tom Mamela,© as of August 17/98.canflag.gif (7733 bytes)  It was last updated on Monday, November 27, 1998 at 8:45 p.m.