a winter's windy day I'm outside Town hall on the steps
and my mind
maybe my mind is slipping a slapping sound open-handed
a smack
sure feel the sting to the face can't you maybe it's
my mind going
know what terrifies that my mind will go and I won't
no that's a no it's a flag up there on the roof of
Town Hall only sounds
in the Antarctic wind like a slap whack goes the flag
on the metallic flagpole
would my country let us rejoice for we are young and
free we've golden sand
and land to toil
my dad I think of my dad he whacked me he would say
how would you like
a good whack around the ears sure dad I'd say I'd
like that better than a bad whack
that'd get him moving my mouth always got to him bad
it irritated him like hell
slap sting slap sting poor face 'tis of thee O way
say the flag of my nation
our land is girt by sea
see semen there on the footpath cozily enfolded in
a condom wonder
would that semen be still loaded still live how about
that humping on the Town Hall
steps that's especially obscene maybe it was me
pumping humping maybe my mind is going yes yes!
yes oh yes! madness like good sex you let yourself
you're on your own there ride it ride ride you orgasmic
fool you you scum unemployed pumper
in the early morning South Pole wind
winter's day wastrel, dole-bludger, turd, madman well
what are you what
yo I agree that is me sob I agree stinging in my eyes
tears on my cheeks
Town Hall sucks in its breath
all the air sucked in like before an explosion
then this voice slithers down the flagpole drops to
the mall
Town Hall type voice slithers around civic square
and says what
it says you agree you agree that you are mad
holy shit if you agree you are mad
you are sane
so piss off this winter's day
that's cool