art eats me
a dancer
is a controller of self space they can exist in
at one congruent moment's axis
a singer
is a controller of self sound and diction
noting the keys to success are practice
a writer
got me there
a painter paints
a lover loves
a hater hates
a master debater, mass debates
I have been reading a new way.
two books together
switching back and forth.
one fiction, one non,
working a new thinking twitch.
I love to eat.
I mean,
what kind of role will I really
play in your life?
I mean,
doesn't the baker's roll really
keep you alive?
a teacher teaches.
a learner learns.
I am hungry
will wait my turn.
eat me. eat me. eat me art.
chagall, garfunkel, ginsberg, sarte.
tom wolfe, ailey, whitman, poe.
matthews, anastaisio.
I am hungry,
who is new?
new restaurants' open
a poet-jew
I am being chewed,
and am in your teeth
how do I taste?
a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away
I was covered with extra cheese
to trick you into thinking
I was better tasting than I am.
But I am complex carbs
and sweet, like a yam
a movie moves
a novel is novel
a digger digs
and uses a shovel
I am cooked in a way
where I am grilled so the
natural juices flow out
of me
a writer
is a user of ingredients
causing an emotional reaction of taste
forcing each eader to take
a little something different
off the dessert tray
can lead to
can lead to