Subtly Undermining Our English History

It appears some hidden hand is gently removing our heritage without referenda. The media seems to be either oblivious or supportive, and the politicians turn their noses up at the 'contemptible' majority who do not want the Queen removed, yet these contempibles are forced to pay for the un-asked-for changes.  We have listed a few of the more obvious changes our politicians are forcing upon us.

1)        Our National Anthem was once 'God Save the Queen'. It was played before the nine o'clock national  news along
            with the tolling of Big Ben. It was played before any public performance was held, including the cinemas, where all
            patrons were smartly upstanding. This anthem is now only reluctantly played when Her Majesty is actually present.
            Once, no self-respecting wedding breakfast would commence without toast to Her Majesty's good health. If you do not
            believe that the National Anthem is being undermined then take a look at the original,  -verse two-

            "O Lord our God arise,
            Scatter His enemies
            and make them fall!
            Confound their politics,
            Frustrating their knavish [popish] tricks,
            On Him our hopes we fix.
            O, Save us all."
                                            -from 'Harmonica Anglicana' 1743.

            Today, 'God Save the Queen' has been replaced by 'God Defend New Zealand', which is often accompanied by a "way
            out" beat.

2)        The doing away with the Royal Honours list and the introduction of local culturally acceptable awards.

3)        The termination of our right to appeal to the Protestant Privy Council in London, and the effort to replace this with a New
            Zealand Court of Appeal.

4)        The portrait of our Queen has been removed from the New Zealand bank notes with the exception of the twenty dollar
            note, on which, the artist has seen fit to portray Her Majesty with a slight sneer.

5)        The portrait of our Queen has all been removed from our postage stamps.

6)        Much talk has been now commenced regarding a new flag, which will remove the 'detested' Union Jack.

7)        Changing the name of New Zealand to 'Aotearoa' through the Waitangi Tribunal, while New Zealanders look on in helpless
            amazement and growing resentment. The chairman of the Waitangi Tribunal, Judge Kearney, appears to be of Irish
            Catholic descent. If this proves to be the case, then his first loyalties will not be to the New Zealand public who pay his
            salary, but to the principles of the papal encyclical on indigenous peoples which promotes 'Justice' (i.e. mayhem and civil
            war). The late Catholic, Paul Temm, who was also on the Waitangi Tribunal, is a Papal Knight. Good Catholics have
            certainly obeyed John Paul's command to attain positions of secular authority. The Catholic Church coupled with
            apostate Protestants, are soon to ride in on their white charger with a 'rememdy' of law, order and Sunday worship.

8)        Much talk also has started for the removal of the Queen's Chain. This gave freedom for all to move about the country.
            When this was first mooted, there was an outrage from the country that the brakes had to go on in the meantime. This
            reaction showed that New Zealanders can force their servants, politicians, to do what the neglected majority want, and
            not the bidding of those who promote the Catholic New World Order. These decisions against the wishes of the majority
            are often forced through Parliament without proper democratic procedure. The following may well explain why our
            democracy is being ignored or bypassed by faceless bureaucrats who, it appears, are answerable to nobody.

