Ya might be a red neck pagan
your pentacle was once a dodge hubcap
you say "Damn straight" instead of "Blessed Be."
you picked up your athame at a wrecking yard
your altar is a budweiser sign
your athame says "BUCK" on it
you mow lawn and find your broomstick
your altar candles say "bic" on the side
you use a spell to make the beer less bitter
you use beer in a ceremony
your chalice gets crushed and recycled after the ritual
you use chains for knot spells!
your cauldron says "Weber" on the side
all your tools are either Black and Decker or Craftsman
your orgy at beltane is a family affair
your ritual robe says "Motel 6" on the back
you do rituals on the road in your truck!
you have to climb under the altar to change the oil
your familiar is named Bubba.
Your altar table has pennzoil written on it!
your mabon feasts include opossum.
you got your altar from Sears
your ritual jewelry is made from pop tops
your altar table is the tailgate
You think your coven is the Grange!
You might be a redneck celt if your runes are your mama's
your name is Silver-bob
your idea of a power spot has a V-8
you have a mobile altar for group get togethers
you have to ask how many laps the Stonehenge has
your wand is your oil dipstick as well
You think stonehenge is a barn!
your cakes and ale is moon pies and RC cola.
your "aura" is beer breath
your dress ware for rituals is a racing t-shirt, jeans, boots
and a beer.
your power stone is gravel
your idea of a salute to the elements of Air & Fire is lighting
a fart
you thought up five more ideas for this list while reading
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