To Walk A Pagan Path- The Story Of MY Rebirth

My story is long but if you but bare with me, perhaps i can help you understand me, a might bit better.  Born on the 17th day of July (1966 for those who keep track of such things). An exceptuily difficult birth as i have been told, as i fought hard, kicking and screaming to keep from entering this world. A caul upon my face, or so the record stated, but little more than that to give me away as a very old soul. I suppose it would be interesting to say that i was born under a full moon, the seventh son and so forth, but i have no ideal if the moon was shining and i am a first son of two. Plain and simple and thats just the way i like it these days :)

Looking back now, at my childhood , I can note certain events in time where i was distancing myself from the other kids. Not that I was anti-social back then mind you but I always felt out of step with the rest of the world.  I grew up in a  state of magical grace, stories of myth and legend were the air i breathed. Early on, and i do mean early i seemed to have a gift of discerning a separate reality around me. Perhaps it was but a flight of fancy to see faeries and other woodland spirits at such an age, but it did prepare me for the coming events in my life.

Dreams were always vivid for me, i still remember some from my childhood as if i but dreamed them yesterday. I guess it was this more than any other that brought me to the Goddess, i could never accept things simply as they were. No i had to learn, to understand why i held such wondrous visions in my sleep time journeies. At the tender age of ten i started exploring the occult. Trying to find the answer i sought, by the age of 13 the astral had opened up to me. I came and went as i pleased, though i could still not control where I ended up.   A few years and a ton of books later i met a lady named Charleen, i was fifteen now and my understanding of the otherside was growing stronger every day. Charleen and i met through her daughter, though she was not a witch like her mother did point me to Carleen and i am thankful. Thus started my path, Carleen took a liking to me i guess, perhaps she saw in me what she had wanted of her own child, but could not find.

I started to learn under her guidance and i learned quickly.  Before the coming of my seventh birthday i was fully iniitaed member of her coven. Thus began my first actually path, which was Gardnerian.  I was happy where i was, but the Goddess had other plans for me and i was whisked away for the next two years, traveling abroad with my family (Dad being a military man). It allowed me to see the world and i guess this was for the best. After high school i joined the army and was sent to Fort Benning for boot camp. While there in that cursed place i met others there like myself and we formed our own little study group, celtic in origin and flavor. We as a group learned and taught each other many things over that summer and it was a shame to see it pass. I was sent to the jungles of South America for "god and country" and did my time in the covenant of Uncle Sam. I did my best to read what i could and talk to those who had like minds, but admit it was not easy. Finally i had earned my discharge and was free again, at least in body. The soul took a terrible beating in those dark jungles.

my heart and soul had been tainted with the things i saw and did and upon my return i took a darker path, thankfully the Goddess interviened and set me straight. I moved back to TN to be closer to my folks (where dad retired) and thus started my first coven. By now i had packed so much information in my tiny brain i was for all intense and purpose eclectic, and this showed through in the coven. Over the next few years many things occurred in my life. I keep this to the point and leave such personal drivel out and speak only to you of the magical ties i found.

Soon the restless spirit in me bid me to travel and off i went to explore the world, and explore i did, in two short years i traversed the globe thrice over.  You see i was working as a photographer and was sent to the ends of the earth it seemed at times. I met many pagans, from different walks of life. From each one i took a little bit more pieces to the puzzle of life.  Time had come for the Goddess to find a place for me, she gave me the urge to settle down and i did. Two covens later, neither of which survived long, one died because the people involved were basically military and were always on the move, the other fell to the tides of chaos that often follow us.

Since such times i have remained solitary in nature, i garner what secrets i share these days. I do not hold back out of greed, but an over welming sense of responsibility. I some how feel honor bound to take responsibility for all those i have taught along the way. hence it is very taxing on the soul.   I have kept up with my astral trips into the Pale and learned the art of the Tarot quite well. Candle magic, herbs, summoning, basic spell work, ritual, visions, and many more are skills i have pick up along the roads i have traveled.

Right at this moment i am awaiting for events to unfold, the Goddess has given me charge of teaching again and while this is not something i truly seek, who am i to question her wisdom. We shall see what comes of my new student(s), but i can tell you only this, where ever the lady sends me i shall follow. I have seen her wonder and tasted her magick, the Goddess is kind and gentle and i trust her to lead me down the right path. I hope it is the same for you and you too can come to know her blessings as have I.

This is very sketchy at best, i know this and do apologize but i leave much out so as not to bore you with details. There are many other events i could tell but feel it best to keep tight lipped about most as each souls travels can lead them to different cities. But in the end we all go where the Goddess leads, whether we know it or not :)




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