"Back in my day..."


*. *******

Alias: Globar

Occupation: Security Expert

Hobbies: Collecting women's clothing

Strengths: Expert in useless trivia

Weakness: 12 year old girls

Likes: The 1940's

Dislikes: Minorities, technology



*. ******

Alias: Panch, Meatwad

Occupation: Ninja-Pirate-Pilot-Sniper

Hobbies: Extensive Hummel collection

Strengths: Destroying lives

Weakness: Turd-magnet

Likes: Making Jesus cry, Caffeine

Dislikes: Dumbasses


"My necklace of ears is bigger than yours."

*. ****

Alias: Devil's Guard

Occupation: Mercenary

Hobbies: Killing hobos

Strengths: Navy Cross at his court martial. Napping. uh... growing maize?

Weakness: He's OOOOOLD!

Likes: Bologna, killing hobos, napping

Dislikes: Dirty Hippies


"Hey Guys!"

*. *****

Alias: kilo

Occupation: Technical Technician

Hobbies: Cruising the ghetto for ho's, Brushing his little doggy

Strengths: Computers, manipulating telecommunication systems

Weakness: Grendel

Likes: Sassy black women

Dislikes: Sassy black men posing as women


<  . . .  >

*. *******

Alias: Mephistopheles

Occupation: Bum

Hobbies: Talking to the dead

Strengths: Never says anything stupid

Weakness: Never says anything smart... (we think he's a mute or something)

Likes: Fire, Fire, FIRE

Dislikes: Sunlight, Happy people


"Hello Angels."


Mr. X

Alias: *. ******

Hobbies: Playing with plasma

Strengths: Speaking through boxes

Weakness: Insaitable need to construct machines from household items.

Likes: Duct tape

Dislikes: Entropy


If you can find them and you can afford them, you might want to contact... The Deviated Preverts

I don't know what the fuck they will do for you, but you can try.


Requirements of being a Deviated Prevert :

Proficient with firearms.

Able to ignore explicit instructions.

Fondness for explosions.

Ability to survive on Pizza and hot-wings alone.

Penchant for alienating oneself from the rest of society.

Ability to digest lactose. (Up yours Todd!)

An opinion on the topic of skull fucking Saddam Hussein's severed head.

Ability to go anywhere and do anything as long as it doesn't cost much.

Kill without regret.

Degree from a top rated university or Texas Tech.

Knows what happens when a car traveling at the speed of light turns on it's headlights, yes we know what happens, and you are wrong and we won't tell you.

Have been kicked out of at least one store for heckling the baby Jesus.

Overeducated and underemployed.

Been screamed at by Debra at least 3 times.

Talent for killing tiny steel silhouettes of fucking sheep, and sheep fucking.

Ability to overstay welcome.

General lack of respect for others.

Innate ability to make others uncomfortable and feel... dirty.

Dress with flare and no style.

High speed tactical off road driving in real shitty cars.

Can kill ninjas like mosquitoes.

Can kill mosquitoes like ninjas.


The Deviated Objective:

uh... stuff...


Deviated Prevert Mascot: Natalie Portman

("You guys are super!")


Mabbitt's favorite photo of her:

(C) Deviated Preverts & Vaculin Co. 2004
















She will be mine...





She will be mine.






All restraining orders can be mailed to Deviated_Preverts@notrealmail.com