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Asgard God Warriors

[ Polaris Hilda (76) ][ Freya (35) ][ Dubhe Siegfried (38) ][ Merak Hagen (62) ]
[ Phecda Tor (31) ][ Megrez Alberich (106) ][ Alioth Fenrir (51) ][ Mizar Shido (60) ]
[ Alcor Bado (39) ][ Benetnasch Mime (136) ]

Poseidon's Marinas

[ Poseidon-Julian Solo (39) ][ Seahorse Baian (12) ][ Scylla Io (37) ][ Chrysaor Krystna (8) ]
[ Lymnades Kaza (3) ][ Kraken Isaac (27) ][ Siren Sorrento (15) ][ Sea Dragon Kanon (51) ]
[ Mermaid Thetys (24) ]

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