We believe that all children can learn. It is the mission of a school community to provide a secure environment which nurtures individual growth and encourages constructive risk- taking. In cooperation with parents and community, the staff will challenge students to reach their full potential, and to become lifelong learners.
Central Academy opened in 1991 as a school of choice to parents and students in the Middletown/Monroe City School District. The building houses around 300 students ages 5 to 13. The educational program at Central is based on the philosophy of multiage nongraded education. Students are grouped by ages rather than grade levels and move through the curriculum at their own individual pace. Parental involvement is a key factor in the success of Central.
The multiage nongraded concept is based on research which shows students can progress at their own pace and are not bound by grade level restrictions. This philosophy also decreases the amount of competition between students and lets each student succeed at their own level. Students are grouped in classrooms according to ages: 6-7-8 year olds, 6-7-8-9 year olds, 8-9-10 year olds, 8-9-10-11 year olds, 10-11-12 year olds and 9-10-11-12 year olds. This variety of groupings allows students to be placed where they will perform to the best of their ability.
Curriculum is taught through integrated thematic unit instruction. The same curriculum is followed as the rest of the district, but in a different manner. The skills are covered through hands-on learning, literature based reading, developmentally appropriate activities, cooperative learning activities, journal writing, individual conferences and direct instruction. Thematic units are taught schoolwide and are based on district curriculum and lifelong learning skills. Skills and curriculum are assessed through authentic methods including teacher observation and conferencing. Reporting to parents is done through the use of narratives rather than grade cards.
The entire staff at Central participates on the site-based team. The weekly meetings provide a forum for any building concerns or decisions. The staff together makes the decisions about building procedures, thematic units, teaching strategies, staff development needs, building goals, and meeting individual student needs.
Parental involvement is a major factor in our success. Parents participate in five conferences a year where goals are set for each individual student and narrative reports are given explaining their progress. The parent organization - TEAM - provides recognition for students for reading, plans inservice for parents on needed topics, and coordinates volunteers for the classrooms and field trips. Volunteers help daily with classroom centers, computers, math drill, reading practice and writing workshop. Volunteers help throughout the year on special projects such as field day, holiday shopping, portfolio making, bookmaking, book fair, and family nights. TEAM also plans and manages fund raisers in order to provide classroom materials, assemblies, and field trips.
Applications to attend Central are available the last week of January each year and are accepted beginning the first working day of February. Students are accepted on a first-come basis depending on availability of space. An equal percentage is accepted from each of the other 12 elementaries in order to keep our population diverse.
Central continues to be a nationally recognized school. Visitors from many different states and countries come to observe our multiage nongraded school in action. Many of our staff members have become resource people for other schools; presenting at conferences and helping others to begin a multiage nongraded program. Our Venture Capital Grant continues to provide opportunities for staff growth and learning through inservices, visits to other schools, and attendance at seminars and conferences. Our partnership with Miami University allows us access to their resources and helps in our initiative, as we help them with their reform initiative.
Partnerships with Youth:
Frost & Jacobs law firm, Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM parent support group); Dr. John Goodlad's Teacher & Educational Renewal Project (Miami University), The Palmer Group.
Built in 1959-60; 2 acres including parking and play area; 13 classrooms with total capacity of 300+. Closed in 1982 (enrollment declined), reopened as a magnet school in 1991. Site of most elementary staff development programs.
Includes a principal, 12 classroom teachers, 8 special teachers (orchestra, band, music, art, physical education, speech, learning disability and nurse) and 4 support staff members.