Attending: DuCharme, Fuhrman, Tritch, Staloch,
Turner, Kerr, Johnson,
McKee, Carlson and Bodnar
The meeting was called to order at 3 pm by incoming
President Danette Tritch. Appreciation gifts were given to
retiring president Judy Furhman. Newly elected board member,
Rosemary Bodnar was in attendance.
Exhibits: Exhibit Coordinator, Ron Johnson presented
a brief overview of the exhibitor feedback. Exhibitors again
were pleased with the convenient set-up at the La Crosse
Center. Some exhibitors did not make it to the conference
due to a major snow storm the day before. Johnson will file
a complete report at the next meeting.
Sessions: All sessions were very well attended,
especially the opening and closing keynote addresses. The
board felt positive about the continued collaboration of
WWEC and the Paraprofessional Conference. New conference
features including prize drawings were very well received.
The Treasurer’s report and feedback from conference
evaluations will be presented at the next meeting. The
meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm.